
Date Awarded


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)




Margaret Constantino

Committee Member

Jim Barber

Committee Member

Steven Constantino


The purpose of this formative program evaluation of a military-to-civilian transition program at a university sought to evaluate participant perceptions of the program. The evaluation focused on the perceptions of program effectiveness after one year of program participation. Because the program was in its first year, it was appropriate to examine the participants’ perceptions formatively as a means of determining the effectiveness of the program’s short-term outcomes. The 2-week transition program was an early adopter of integrating wellness interventions with career support. Existing literature has suggested integrating wellness content into military transition programming, but less information exists about the outcomes of these kinds of transition programs. Participants in the evaluation were selected after 1 year of program completion. A mixed methods approach was used to collect and analyze data from application essays, an online survey, and a focus group. The findings suggested program alumni perceived they learned to redefine their identities during transition, and they changed their coping behaviors because of the program. Findings also indicated wellness content had higher levels of satisfaction and direct usability. The findings in this evaluation suggested that integrating wellness and business into transition curricula may be necessary for a successful transition into civilian life. The changes in practice resulting from this study include strategies for continued career identity support, follow-up opportunities for military service self-reflection, and peer support beyond an isolated program. Suggestions for the work of practitioners include considering military spouse transition cohorts and mental health in transition programs.




© The Author
