
Albert Pollard

Document Type



Virginia Institute of Marine Science

VIMS Department/Program

Marine Advisory Program (MAP)

Publication Date



Fishery Resource Grant FRG 2016- 04


This grant will evaluate the costs of constructing and operating a 100 bushel “floating pool” in which aged, washed, and containerized shell is placed with purchased larvae for setting on the cultch. The 100 bushel sized pool is being proposed because it is a sample size large enough to test future scalability but small enough to manage as a controlled experiment. In addition, the proposal will compare the setting efficiency of the pool vs the standard upland tanks. Also, we intend to test practicality - after lifting the skirt that forms the pool – of towing the POLARDS Pool (now a barge) to place the shell on leased bottom by dropping it out of the bottom of the wire baskets. If practical, this would obviously reduce labor costs related to handling.


Fishing gear, oysters



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