Date Awarded


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)


Computer Science


Steve Park


Light-weight threads are becoming increasingly useful for parallel processing. This is particularly true for threads running in a distributed memory environment. Light-weight threads can be used to support latency hiding techniques, communication and computation overlap, and functional parallelism. Additionally, dynamic migration of light-weight threads supports both data locality and load balancing. Designing a thread migration mechanism presents some very unique and interesting challenges. One such challenge is maintaining communication between mobile threads. A potentially more difficult challenge involves maintaining the correctness of pointers within mobile threads. Since traditional pointers have no concept of address space, moving threads from processor to processor has a strong impact on the use of pointers. Options for dealing with pointers include restricting their use, adding a layer of software to support pointers referencing non-local data, and binding data to threads such that referenced data is always local to the thread. This dissertation presents the design and implementation of Chant, an efficient light-weight threads package which runs in a distributed memory environment. Chant was designed and implemented as a runtime system using MPI like and Pthreads like calls. Chant supports point-to-point message passing between threads executing in distributed address spaces. We focus on the use of Chant as a framework to support dynamic load balancing based on thread migration. We explore many of the issues which arise when designing and implementing a thread migration mechanism, as well as the issues which arise when considering the use of thread migration as a means for performing dynamic load balancing. This load balancing framework uses both system state information, including communication history, and user input. One of the basic functionalities of this load balancing framework is the ability of the user to customize the load balancing to fit particular classes of problems. This dissertation provides implementation details as well as discussion and justification of design choices. We go on to show that the overhead associated with our approach is within an acceptable range, and that significant performance gains can be achieved through the use of thread migration as a means of performing dynamic load balancing.



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