
Publication Date

May 2011



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The article is based on the Center for the Study of the College Fraternity’s 2009 Adele Williamson Outstanding Masters Research Award winning thesis entitled, “Student Spiritual Development Associated with Fraternity Affiliation.” Using data (n = 1,211) from the Higher Education Research Institute (HERI) at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) 2003 pilot survey instrument, College Students' Beliefs and Values, funded by the John Templeton Foundation, this study examined the relationship between fraternity affiliation, hegemonic masculinity, spirituality, religion, and other associated spiritual/religious factors. Significant differences were found regarding measures of spirituality and associated beliefs and values between fraternity-affiliated and non-affiliated participants, as well as respondents’ relative levels of hegemonic masculinity. Discussion and implications for practice offer consideration for practitioners and fraternity advisors with enhancing local chapter programming, creating new programs, or finding ways of reinforcing college fraternal organizations’ core values, particularly as they address issues of spirituality and personal religious growth, and a healthy conception of manhood.
