Document Type



Virginia Institute of Marine Science

Publication Date



Special Reports in Applied Marine Science and Ocean Engineering (SRAMSOE) No. 273


The crab waste problem in Virginia and Maryland has been well documented by past research efforts, (Hatem, 1980) (Murray and DuPaul 1981) (Cathcart et, al.1984). Murray and DuPaul (1981) documented both the magnitude and location of the problem in Maryland and Virginia. Their analysis provided a description of the total waste disposal problem in the Bay and pinpointed specific trouble spots. The report provided enterprise budgets for three locations; Hampton, Virginia, Crisfield, Maryland, and Cambridge, Maryland. These locations were chosen because of their proximity to crab processors and their ability to produce sufficient quantities of crab waste to make a meal processing facility feasible. In addition to the description of the volume and location of the waste, the report outlined the various advantages and disadvantages of alternative waste disposal techniques. The analysis did not include the site specific costs of securing land and providing transportation. Murray and DuPaul (1981) analyzed the risks and opportunities associated with crab meal processing and concluded that meal processing could provide a substantial return on investment. It was felt that the report would stimulate the necessary investment to solve the waste disposal problem in the region. However, this investment has not occurred in the Hampton Roads area and crab waste disposal remains a primary problem for many processors.



Crab, Fisheries, By products


This work was sponsored in part by the National Sea Grant College Program, NOAA, U.S. Department of Commerce, under Grant Number NASlAA-D-00025 and the Virginia Sea Grant College Program through Project Number A/EP-1. 1he U.S. Government is authorized to produce and distribute reprints for goverrnnental purposes not withstanding any copyright notation that may appear hereon.



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