In this issue we continue the discussion of JUDAISM IN THE CURRICULUM, a discussion initiated by Aryeh Cohen who solicited contributions on this matter. We would like to renew this call for submissions. The matter is important and concerns most of us. How is Judaism represented in institutions of higher (or lower?) learning? What does it mean to educate ABOUT rather than IN Judaism? What about the inside vs. the outside perspective? How much critical scholarship should be part of our courses if our students often lack much of the traditional knowledge or familiarity with content of the sacred literature and its traditional interpretation? What are the larger theoretical and methodological problems in education that we ponder when we construct our syllabi and conduct ourselves as teachers? — Ze’ev Falk contributed a remarkable statement on this topic which we reproduce in this issue.
Recommended Citation
"Old Series: Volume 6, Number 2 (May/June 1997)." Journal of Textual Reasoning Old Series: Vol. 6 (1997): 37-91. https://doi.org/10.21220/s2-50j1-8g25.