

In her introductory comments to her translation of Crescas's Light of the Lord (p. 9), Prof. Weiss suggests that Crescas must be credited with introducing a series of new perspectives with respect to theories of place and time. In contradistinction to standard Aristotelian physics, Crescas frees place and time from their connection to corporeal substances, allows for the possibility of actual infinity with respect to both place and time. As a result, Weiss continues, Crescas can entertain the idea of an expansive universe with no boundaries.

This paper explores Crescas’s theories of time (and to some extent place) in more detail. His theories play out in a number of contexts, most notably in the sections having to do with creation, and with divine omniscience. These comments are juxtaposed against both Aristotle and Maimonides, as well as contemporary theories of time. The essay compares Crescas’s views on the subjectivity of time with contemporary A and B theorists, hearkening back to McTaggart’s celebrated article on the unreality of time.


