The Aqedah: Midrash as Visualization
A scholarly commonplace has it that Greek culture was visual in contrast to Hebrew culture, which was auditory. However, midrash aggadah, as an expression of the rabbinic imagination operating on the biblical text, can be highly visual. This issue of the Journal of Textual Reasoning explores the biblical story of the Binding of Isaac (the Aqedah) as an apt starting point for thinking about the role of “visualization” in rabbinic thought.
Primary Essay
Aqedah: Midrash as Visualization
Marc Bregman
Response Essays
A Response to Marc Bregman
Edward Kessler
Rashi’s Reading of the Aqedah
Michael Signer
The Voice of God and the Face of the Other
Claire Katz
Book Reviews
A Response to Robert Gibbs’ Why Ethics?
Eugene Borowitz
Why Read Why Ethics?
Susan Shapiro
A Review of Robert Gibbs’ Why Ethics?
Louis Newman