Peer-Reviewed Publications
Submissions from 2024
Review: Salvaging Empire: Sovereignty, Natural Resources, and Environmental Science in the South Atlantic by James Blair, Mara Dicenta
The promise of interspecies desegregation: Allying with capybaras against gated communities in Buenos Aires’ wetlands, Mara Dicenta
Exposure to sublethal concentrations of lead (Pb) affects ecologically relevant behaviors in house sparrows (Passer domesticus)., Joseph F. Di Liberto, Simon C. Griffith, Cara J. Hall, Alexandra S. Mendelsohn, and John P. Swaddle
Zebra finches increase social behavior in traffic noise: Implications for urban songbirds, Carly E. Hawkins, Jelena H. Pantel, Sophia T. Palia, Christine C. Folks, and John P. Swaddle
Strengths and complementarity of systematic conservation planning and Key Biodiversity Area approaches for spatial planning, Andy Plumptre, Jack Hayes, Daniele Baisero, Rob Rose, S. Holness, Lize von Staden, and Robert J. Smith
Conservation practitioners’ and researchers’ needs for bridging the knowledge–action gap, Alexandra N. Sabo, Oded Berger-Tal, Daniel T. Blumstein, Alison L. Greggor, and John P. Swaddle
Submissions from 2023
Mercury causes degradation of spatial cognition in a model songbird species., Cara N. Brittain, Amanda M. Bessler, Andrew S. Elgin, Rachel B. Layko, Sumin Park, Shelby E. Still, Haruka Wada, John P. Swaddle, and Daniel A. Cristol
How Changing Imaginaries of Nature and Tourism Have Shaped National Protected Area Creation in Argentine Patagonia, Mara Dicenta, Christopher B. Anderson, Jessica L. Archibald, and Alejandro E. J. Valenzuela
Ecotourism, infrastructures, and the drama of sovereignty on a border island, Mara Dicenta and Ana Cecilia Gerrard
The linkages between climate change and foot & mouth disease: A One health perspective from nomadic herders in Mongolia, Alessandra DiPietro, Erica Garroutte, Iyabo Obasanjo, Erdene Tserenochir, and Rentsen Oyunbat
The Political Ecology of Archaeology and the Archaeological Imagination in the Honduran Frontier, Fernando Galeana
A New Snow Leopard Record Reflects the Value of Remote Protected Areas for Connectivity, Erica Garroutte, Ganchimeg Wingard, Rentsen Oyunbat, Batsaikhan Nyamsuren, Richard Reading, Joseph Zebrowski, Anandpurev Tumurbaatar, Bayarsaikhan Otgongotob, and James D. Murdoch
Automating sandhill crane counts from nocturnal thermal aerial imagery using deep learning, Emilio Luz-Ricca, Kyle Landolt, Bradley A. Pickens, and Mark Koneff
Window films increase avoidance of collisions by birds but only when applied to external compared with internal surfaces of windows, John P. Swaddle, Blythe Brewster, Maddie Schuyler, and Anjie Su
Submissions from 2022
Coproducir (en) diferencia: Éticas de colaboración entre científicos, cazadores y especies invasoras, Mara Dicenta Villker
Do lighting conditions influence bird-window collisions?, Lauren C. Emerson, Robin G. Thady, Bruce A. Robertson, and John P. Swaddle
Temporal shifts in ostracode sexual dimorphism from the Late Cretaceous to the late Eocene of the U.S. Coastal Plain, Maya Samuels-Fair, Maria João Fernandes Martins, Rowan Lockwood, and John P. Swaddle
A Sonic Net deters European starlings Sturnus vulgaris from maize silage stores, John P. Swaddle, Richard D. Woods, Stuart Bearhop, Kendrew Colhoun, William H. Gaze, Suzanne M. Kay, and Robbie A. McDonald
Evaluating acoustic signals to reduce avian collision risk, Robin G. Thady, Lauren C. Emerson, and John P. Swaddle
Submissions from 2021
Field testing an "acoustic lighthouse": Combined acoustic and visual cues provide a multimodal solution that reduces avian collision risk with tall human-made structures, Timothy J. Boycott, John P. Swaddle, Sally M. Mullis, and Brandon E. Jackson
A recent invasive population of the European starling sturnus vulgaris has lower genetic diversity and higher fluctuating asymmetry than primary invasive and native populations, Vanina D. Fiorini, Marisol Dominguez, Juan C. Reboreda, and John P. Swaddle
Using change models to envision better applications of animal behavior research in conservation management and beyond, Alison L. Greggor, Oded Berger-Tal, Ronald R. Swaisgood, Steven J. Cooke, Travis L. DeVault, Esteban Fernandez-Juricic, Anne Gienapp, Suzanne Hal, Cameron Hostetter, Megan A. Owen, Shannon Rankin, Kirstie A. Ruppert, John P. Swaddle, and Daniel T. Blumstein
A Sonic Net reduces damage to sunflower by blackbirds (Icteridae): Implications for broad-scale agriculture and crop establishment, Amanda K. Werrell, Page E. Klug, Romuald N. Lipcius, and John P. Swaddle
Submissions from 2020
Traffic noise alters individual social connectivity, but not space-use, of Red-backed Fairywrens, Carly E. Hawkins, Isabel T. Ritrovato, and John P. Swaddle
Ultraviolet-reflective film applied to windows reduces the likelihood of collisions for two species of songbird, John P. Swaddle, Lauren C. Emerson, Robin G. Thady, and Timothy J. Boycott