Document Type
Virginia Institute of Marine Science
VIMS Department/Program
Marine Advisory Program (MAP)
Publication Date
Fishery Resource Grant FRG 2013- 09
The purpose of our project was to conduct several (5-‐6) outreach workshops, specifically aimed at crabbers, to increase the number of crabbers reporting harvest through VMRC’s online system. VMRC had not previously conducted outreach to encourage the use of the online system. We held 3 outreach sessions in 2013 (Middle Peninsula in Glenns; Eastern Shore in Melfa; and Tangier Island) and 2 in 2014 (Yorktown and Gwynn’s Island). In addition to the physical outreach sessions, we were able to create a short tutorial video because many interested watermen were unable to attend any of our outreach workshops, FAQ, and a step-‐by-‐step visual instruction guide-‐ all of which are available through VMRC’s website and the Panel website (
blue crab fishery
Recommended Citation
Smith, K. (2014) Electronic Harvest Reporting Training and Outreach. Fishery Resource Grant FRG 2013- 09. Virginia Institute of Marine Science, William & Mary.