Document Type



Virginia Institute of Marine Science

Publication Date



In considering the potential for expanding the Middle Atlantic fishery, Virginia Institute of Marine Science estimated the seasonal distribution and availability of benthic fishes on the 15,000 square miles of continental shelf between Cape Hatteras and Cape May. The survey, which started in the winter of 1966 and continued through the winter of 1968, was conducted in two phases. The ·work in 1966 ·was devoted to determining the seasonal distribution of the various kinds of fishes, especially those which appeared to be under-utilized. For.this work a 45-foot semi-balloon shrimp trawl was employed to make 295 tows which were divided among the four seasons. In the second phase, conducted in 1967 and 1968, the objcctive·was to estimate the quantity of fish potentially available to trawlers, should a market be developed.


Marine fishes -- Chesapeake Bight



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