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Virginia Institute of Marine Science

Publication Date



A time series of monthly mean values of temperature measurements (1952-1981) for Gloucester Point, Virginia, U.S.A. and Vardo In Northern Norway are described and the results of an eigenfunction analysis are presented. Seasonal, year-to-year and long term changes of salinlty measurements (1960-1977) for Gloucester Point and monthly mean stream-flow values (1951-1982) are also described. Commerclal Catch data from Virginia for menhaden, bluefish and Atlantic croaker shows reasonable correlation with cllmatlc changes.

The time around 1965 was a cold period with high sallnlty and low streamflow. The same period was also cold In Northern Norway (Europe). Around 1974 was a period of high temperature with low salinlty and high stream-flow caused mainly by ml Id winters. This period coincided with a warm period In Northern Norway. The long-term periodic temperature variation at Gloucester Point Is related to general climatlc variations In the Northern Hemisphere.

VIMS Pier temperatures, salinity readings.


Water temperature -- Chesapeake Bay (Md. and Va.), Salinity -- Chesapeake Bay (Md. and Va.), Water temperature -- Barents Sea, Salinity -- Barents Sea



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