Document Type



Virginia Institute of Marine Science

Publication Date



Data report (Virginia Institute of Marine Science) ; no. 32.


The Virginia Institute of Marine Science, in cooperation with the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation, Division of Soil and Water Conservation, has identified as one of its major goals the systematic study of hydrodynamic processes that affect recreational, shoreline and benthic resources in the coastal zone of the Commonwealth. In pursuit of that goal, a long-term study of the wave climate in the Virginia portion of Chesapeake Bay was initiated in 1988 with support from the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration through the Coastal Zone Management Program administered by the Virginia Council on the Environment (Grant Ho. HA88AA-D-CZ092). Past knowledge of wave properties in the Chesapeake Bay region has been conspicuous in its lack of an observational basis. Although inner shelf and deep water wave measurements have been made outside the Chesapeake Bay entrance, none of these have produced reliable directional information (Seymour et al., 1985). Therefore, before addressing certain long-term wave monitoring objectives, it was deemed essential to develop a basis for them by obtaining a representative (year-long) series of wave observations at one or more selected locations. The first of these has recently been completed for a station designated as VIMS BAY! located near Thimble Shoals to the west of the Chesapeake Bay entrance (Fig. 1). This report contains a summary of data for the initial year of continuous directional wave measurements made at the Thimble Shoals station.



Chesapeake Bay, VA, Thimble Shoals, Waves

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National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration through the Coastal Zone Management Program administered by the Virginia Council on the Environment (Grant Ho. HA88AA-D-CZ092)



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