Anthropology Faculty Work | Anthropology | William & Mary


Submissions from 2021


White animals: racializing sheep and beavers in the Argentinian Tierra del Fuego, Mara Dicenta


Supplementary Material for Society Island Human-centered Canoe-web Database, Jennifer G. Kahn and Claudia Escue

Submissions from 2020


Archaeology under the Blinding Light of Race, Michael L. Blakey


Supplementary Material for a Functional Classification of Hawaiian Curved-Edge Adzes and Gouges, Jennifer G. Kahn and Thomas S. Dye

Submissions from 2018


African Lace-bark in the Caribbean: The Construction of Race, Class and Gender, Grey Gundaker


Building the Brafferton: The Founding, Funding and Legacy of America’s Indian School, Danielle Moretti-Langholtz and Buck Woodard

Submissions from 2016

The Colonial Caribbean: Landscapes of Power in Jamaica's Plantation System, Frederick H. Smith


The Colonial Caribbean: Landscapes of Power in Jamaica's Plantation System, Frederick H. Smith


Food, Brad Weiss

Submissions from 2015


Islands in the Crossroads: Migration, Seafaring, and Interaction in the Caribbean. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 2011. xi + 313 pp. (Paper us$35.00), Frederick H. Smith


The Oxford Handbook of Caribbean Archaeology, Frederick H. Smith

Submissions from 2014


Basil A. Reid (ed.), Caribbean Heritage. Kingston: University of the West Indies Press, 2012. x + 394 pp. (Paper US$40.00), Konrad A. Antczak


Eating Ursula, Brad Weiss


In Tastes, Lost and Found: Remembering the Real Flavor of Fat Pork, Brad Weiss


Opening Access: Publics, Publication, and a Path to Inclusion, Brad Weiss

Submissions from 2013


Island Shores, Distant Pasts: Archaeological and Biological Approaches to the Pre-Columbian Settlement of the Caribbean. Scott M. Fitzpatrick & Ann H. Ross (eds.). Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2010. xvi + 246 pp. (Cloth US$ 75.00), Derek R. Miller


Beyond the Blockade: New Currents in Cuban Archaeology. Susan Kepecs, L. Antonio Curet & Gabino La Rosa Corzo (eds.). Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 2010. ix + 206 pp. (Paper US$ 22.95), Frederick H. Smith


The Migration of Peoples from the Caribbean to the Bahamas. Keith L. Tinker. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2011. x + 199 pp. (Cloth US$ 69.95), Grace Turner

Submissions from 2012


On the Evanescent and Reminiscent, Brad Weiss

Submissions from 2011


Making Pigs Local: Discerning the Sensory Character of Place, Brad Weiss

Submissions from 2010


Epistemology for a Humanistic Human Biology: the Case of the New York African Burial Ground Project at Howard University, Michael L. Blakey

Using the micro - resistivity method to detect hispanic ancient floors at Nombre de Dios, Panama, Alexis Mojica, Louis Pastor, Richard Vanhoeserlande, and Maria Salamanca Heyman

Submissions from 2009

Enamel Hypoplasia and Early Mortality: Bioarcheological Support for the Barker Hypothesis, George J. Armelagos, Alan H. Goodman, Kristin N. Harper, and Michael L. Blakey


The Skeletal Biology of the New York African Burial Ground (Pt. 2): Burial Descriptions and Appendices, Michael L. Blakey and Lesley M. Rankin-Hill

Submissions from 2008


Chronic Mobb Asks a Blessing: Apocalyptic Hip-Hop in a Time of Crisis, Brad Weiss

Submissions from 2004

Maladjustments: Ritual and Reproduction in Neoliberal Africa, Brad Weiss

Submissions from 2003


"Introduction" & "The Sacred Life of Plants: Placing Royal Growth", Brad Weiss

Submissions from 2002


Thug Realism: Inhabiting Fantasy in Urban Tanzania, Brad Weiss

Submissions from 2001


Coffee Breaks and Coffee Connections: The Lived Experience of a Commodity in Tanzanian and European Worlds, Brad Weiss

Submissions from 1997


Northwestern Tanzania on a Single Shilling: Sociality, Embodiment, Valuation, Brad Weiss


Objects and Bodies: Some Phenomenological Implications of Knowledge and Practice in Mayotte, Brad Weiss

Submissions from 1996


Dressing at Death: Haya Adornment and Temporality, Brad Weiss