Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Solidarity In Community Organizing: Mediation And The Production Of Memory, Julia Claire Ashworth
Documenting Patterns Of Inequity And Harassment In Pacific Island Archaeology: Quantitative And Qualitative Analyses, Caroline Donovan
A Methodology For The Visualization Of 3D Petroglyph Data As Applied To Rock Markings Of The Eastern United States, Matthew Owen Forcier
Use-Wear Experiments And Analysis Of Quartzite Tools From Slocan Narrows, British Columbia, Emily Hull
Patterns In The Clay: X-Ray And Gamma-Ray Geochemical Sourcing Of Middle And Late Woodland Ceramics From Mulberry Island, Virginia, Courtney Senna Roark
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
An Unsettled History: Measuring Settlement Population And Sedentism In The Late Woodland Potomac River Valley, Matthew Anthony Borden
Landscapes Of Silence At The First Baptist Church, Victoria R. Gum
The Enduring Mystery At Town Creek: New Interpretations At A Rural North Carolina Museum, Elizabeth Henry
Landscapes Of Power: A Historical Archaeology And Cultural Astronomy Of Ijebu-Yoruba Palatial Urbanscapes, AD 1000-1900, Olanrewaju Lasisi
A Black Mount Vernon: Exploring Enslaved Homespace And Family At Mount Vernon Plantation, Heather L. Little
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Seeing Community Values and Resistance in the Grave: Burial Practices at Terre Haute African Cemetery, Annabelle Julia Lewis
Turbo Shell Scrapers From The Society Islands: An Experimental Use-Wear And Microfossil Analysis, Carol Marie Oordt
Secrets From The Well: A Biohistory Of Ancestors Discovered In The East Marshall Street Well, Malachi Michael Tripaldi
Sustaining The Shell Middens: A Coastal Vulnerability Assessment Of Shell Midden Sites Within The Nansemond River Tributary, Mary Lawrence Young
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Properties Of Belonging: Landscapes Of Racialized Ownership In Post-Emancipation Barbados, Stephanie M. Bergman
Plantation Spaces: A GPR Analysis Of An Eighteenth-Century Enslaved Family’s Dwelling In The Colonial Chesapeake, Robert Thomas Chartrand
A Crescendo Of Violence: A Biohistorical Assessment Of Violence As A Form Of Social Control Involving The African Population Of New York City During The 18Th Century, Christopher Richard Crain
Geospatial Analysis Of Traditional Taro Farming In Rurutu French Polynesia, Claudia Michelle Escue
“The Dutch Found Us And Relieved Us…” Identifying Seventeenth Century Illicit Dutch Trade Relations On Virginia’s Eastern Shore And In The Chesapeake, Haley Marie Hoffman
"These Their Women Bear After Them, With Corne, Acorns, Morters, And All Bag And Baggage They Use:" An Archaeological History Of Indigenous Households Along The Rappahannock River, Virginia, Josue Roberto Nieves
Socially Informed Settlement Patterns, Ritual Materialization, And Stone Architecture In The Inland 'Opunohu Valley, Caroline Rebecca Watson
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
I Found Something In The Woods Somewhere: Narrative, Heterotemporality, And The Timber Industry In The Great Smoky Mountains, Elizabeth Albee
"Mehtaqtek, Where The Path Comes To An End": Documenting Cultural Landscapes Of Movement In Wolastoqiyik (Maliseet) First Nation Territory In New Brunswick, Canada, And Maine, United States, Mallory Leigh Moran
From Pejuta To Powwow: The Evolution Of American Indian Music, Kelley Lyn Smith
Social Memory, Persistent Place, And Depositional Practice At The Hand Site (44Sn22) In Southeastern Virginia, Taylor Blair Triplett
Dwelling "Where The Waters Rise And Fall:" The Historical Ecology Of Archaic Period Settlement In The Rappahannock River Valley, Gail Williams Wertz
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
His Majesty's Ship Saphire and the Royal Navy in 17th-Century Newfoundland, Erika Elizabeth Laanela
“It's Not about Us": The Erasure of African American Heritage and the Rehistoricization of the First Africans on Jamestown Island, Virginia, LaMarise C. Reid
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
"To Milk the Yankee Tourists": Mid-20Th-Century Heritage Practice and the Social Construction of Whiteness in the American South, Jessica Bittner
Buried Beneath The River City: Investigating An Archaeological Landscape and its Community Value in Richmond, Virginia, Ellen Luisa Chapman
The Gap on the Block: Aboriginality, Subjectivity, and Agency in Contemporary Urban Australia, Jennifer Michelle Ellis
Vengeance with Mercy: Changing Traditions and Traditional Practices of Colonial Yamasees, Patrick Johnson
On The Margins of Empire: An Archaeological and Historical Study of Guana Island, British Virgin Islands, Mark Kostro
History of Archaeological Research in the Yoruba-Edo Region of Nigeria: New Directions for Urban Earthenworks, Olanrewaju Blessing Lasisi
“God Sends Meat and the Devil Sends Cooks”: Meat Usage and Cuisine in Eighteenth-Century English Colonial America, Dessa Elizabeth Lightfoot
Zone-Decorated Pots at the Hatch Site (44Pg51): a Late Woodland Manifestation of an Ancient Tradition, Douglas Makin
On The Table and Under It: Social Negotiation & Drinking Spaces in Frontier Resource Extraction Communities, Megan Rhodes Victor
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Entangled By Salt: Historical Archaeology of Seafarers and Things in the Venezuelan Caribbean, 1624–1880, Konrad andrzej Antczak
A Paradigm Shift Within University Museums, Emily Bagdasarian
Making History Stick: Representations of Naval Stores in North Carolina Museums, Catherine Widin Bailey
The Archaeology of Enslavement in Plantation Jamaica: A Study of Community Dynamics among The Enslaved People of Good Hope Estate, 1775-1838, Hayden Frith Bassett
Creating the Border: Defining, Enforcing and Reasserting Physical and Ethnic Borderzone Spaces during the 16th, 17th and 18th Centuries in the Lake Champlain Richelieu River Valley, andrew Robert Beaupre
Beyond The Butcher's Block: The Animal Landscapes of Eighteenth-Century Chesapeake and Lowcountry Plantations, Jenna Kay Carlson Dietmeier
The Octagon House and Mount Airy: Exploring the Intersection of Slavery, Social Values, and Architecture in 19th-Century Washington, DC and Virginia, Julianna Geralynn Jackson
Mapping Ceremonial Stone Landscapes in the Narragansett Homelands: “Teâno Wonck Nippée Am, I Will Be Here By and By Again”, Alexandra Grace Martin
High Place at The Water’S Edge: A Coastal Vulnerability Assessment of the Kiskiak Landscape, Erica Rose Smith
Knowing the River, Working the Land, and Digging for Clay: Pamunkey Indian Subsistence Practices and the Market Economy 1800-1900, Ashley Spivey
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
A Confluence of Cultures: Complicating The Interpretation of 17th Century Plantation Archaeology using Data from Rich Neck Plantation, Thomas John Cuthbertson
“Sugary Mixed-Plate”: Landscape of Power and Separation on 20Th-Century Hawaiian Sugar Plantations, Joshua Timsing Maka'ala Gastilo
Algonquian Taskscapes and Changing Landscapes: Archaeobotanical Findings from Tidewater Virginia, Jessica Marie Herlich
The Teapots in the Tempest: Ceramics and Military Order at 18th Century Fort Stanwix, Elizabeth Scholz
Slate Pencils?: Education of Free and Enslaved African American Children at The Bray School, Williamsburg, Virginia, 1760-1774, Valerie Susan Scura Trovato
The Materiality of Authority: Ornamental Objects and Negotiations of Sovereignty in the Algonquian Middle Atlantic (A.d. 900 - 1680), Christopher Judd Shephard
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Nineteenth Century Enslaved African Americans' Coping Strategies for the Stresses of Enslavement in Virginia, Allison Michelle Campo
Afro-Barbadian Foodways: Analysis of the use of Ceramics by Freed Afro-Barbadian Estate Workers, Camille Lois Chambers
Inviting the Principle Gentlemen of the City: Privacy, Exclusivity, and Food Complexity in Colonial Taverns, Lauren Elizabeth Gryctko
"Written in Indian": Creating Legitimized Literacy and Authorized Speakership in Koasati., Stephanie Hasselbacher
Could You Point Me to Your Nearest Clay Source, Please?: A XRF Study of Barbadian Historic Era Ceramics, Benjamin Crossley Kirby
Canary Red: Preserving Cochineal and Contrasting Colonial Histories on Lanzarote, Sarah Mattes
From Path to Portage: Issues of Scales, Process, and Pattern in Understanding New Brunswick Riverine Trail, Mallory Leigh Moran
The Land Remembers: The Construction of Movement Possibility among Woodland Period Communities of the Virginia Peninsula, Josue Roberto Nieves
Streaking and Straight Pins: Constructing Masculinity on an Antebellum College Campus, Erin Stock Schwartz
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
'Tavern' by the Saltpan: New England Seafarers and the Politics of Punch on La Tortuga Island, Venezuela, 1682-1782, Konrad A. Antczak
Honoring the Ancestors: Historical Reclamation and Self-Determined Identities in Richmond and Rio de Janeiro, Autumn Rain Duke Barrett
The Pamunkey Indian Museum: Collaboration, Display, and the Creation of a Tribal Museum, Rachel Elaine Bowen
The Fruits of their Labors: Exploring William Hamilton's Greenhouse Complex and the Rise of American Botany in Early Federal Philadelphia, Sarah Jane Chesney
Grandfathers at War: practical politics of identity at Delaware town, Melissa Ann Eaton
Dealing in Metaphors: Exploring the Materiality of Trade on Virginia's Seventeenth Century Eastern Siouan Frontier, Madeleine Ailsworth Gunter
Behind the Scenes at William and Mary: Front Stage History and Backstage Archaeology, Tiffany Olivia Little
The Technique of the Poquoson-Style Log Canoe, David andrews Moran
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Dwelling in Space Through Knowledge of Place: Building on Epistemological Understandings of the Seventeenth-Century British Atlantic, Hayden Frith Bassett
Gathering Places, Cultivating Spaces: An Archaeology of a Chesapeake Neighborhood through Enslavement and Emancipation, 1775--1905, Jon Jason Boroughs
Ontological Blackness: A n Investigation of 18th Century Burial Practices among Captive Africans on the Island of Barbados, Brittany Leigh Brown
Dooley's Ferry: The Archaeology of a Civilian Community in Wartime, Carl Gilbert Drexler
Merrymaking at the Madisons': Feasting, Alcohol, and Political Strategy, Christine Hope Heacock
"Here Stands a High Bred Horse": A Theory of Economics and Horse Breeding in Colonial Virginia, 1750-1780; a Statistical Model, Lily Kleppertknoop
Community Building After Emancipation: An Anthropological Study of Charles' Corner, Virginia, 1862-1922, Shannon Sheila Mahoney
Virginia Indians, NAGPRA, and Cultural Affiliation: Revisiting Identities and Boundaries in the Chesapeake, Laura Elizabeth Masur
"A Medley of Contradictions": The Jewish Diaspora in St Eustatius and Barbados, Derek Robert Miller
From Kaolin to Claymount: Landscapes of the 19th-Century James River Stoneware Industry, Oliver Maximilian Mueller-Heubach
"Setting the best table in the country": Food and Labor at the Coloma Gold Mining Town, Jennifer Honora Ogborne
Derogatory to the Rights of Free-Born Subjects: Racialization and the Identity of the Williamsburg Area's Free Black Population from 1723-1830, Rebecca Anne Schumann
Peripheral Vision: Mimesis and Materiality along the James River, Virginia, 1619-1660, Kathryn Lee McClure Sikes
An Allegory for Life: An 18th century African-influenced cemetery landscape, Nassau, Bahamas, Grace S. Turner
Plough Deep While Sluggards Sleep; and You Shall have Corn to Sell and to Keep: An Analysis of Plow Ownership in Eighteenth Century York County Virginia, Zachary John Waske
From the Middle of Nowhere: Place-Making on My Supermodern American Road, Maxwell Allen Werner
The Nottoway of Virginia: A Study of Peoplehood and Political Economy, c.1775-1875, Buck Woodard
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Making, Mending, and Half-Soling: An Analysis of Three Nineteenth Century Virginia Shoemakers, Sarah Virginia Byrd
Booze at the Brothel: Alcohol-Related Artifacts and their use in Performance at the 27/29 Endicott Street Brothel, Amanda B. Johnson
Sexual Indiscretions in Virginia's Colonial Capital, Sarah Rebecca Schmidt
"Excellent Clay for Pots": An Archaeological and Microscopic Investigation of Barbadian Redware during the Early Colonial Era, Erik andre Siedow
Rogue Fishermen: Codfish, Atlantic Items, and the Isles of Shoals, Megan Victor
Maximizing Archaeology's Relevance to its Publics through a Pragmatist Framework, Kelley Marie Walter
I'm Really Just an American: The Archaeological Importance of the Black Towns in the American West and Late-Nineteenth Century Constructions of Blackness, Shea Aisha Winsett
To and from Places Beyond: Examining Low-Fired Coarse Earthenwares and Informal Trade Networks among Enslaved Bermudians in the 18th and 19th Centuries, Sarah Helen Zimmet
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Dietary Bioarchaeology: Late Woodland Subsistence within the Coastal Plain of Virginia, Berek J. Dore