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Linguistic Society of America

Sponsorship / Conference

Proceedings of the 2017 Annual Meeting on Phonology

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.


Segment-based syllable weight has been proposed to be calculated by either rhyme segments (McCarthy, 1979) or by intervals (Steriade, 2012). An interval is defined as the vocalic material of a syllable and all following segmental material until the vowel of the following syllable. The two theories parse segments into the same domains in two cases: word-finally,1 and for the first vowel of two adjacent vowels in different syllables, i.e., in hiatus. While the weight domain is the same for the two theories in cases of hiatus (consisting of just a short vowel, ‘V’), the categorization of weight is different. While a short vowel alone is considered “light” in rhyme-based weight, it is considered “extra-light” in interval-based weight, as “light” intervals consist of a vowel and a following onset consonant. A comparison of (some) interval- and rhyme-based weights and domains is given in (1). Periods denote syllable boundaries. All intervals are delineated with bullets, and the interval of interest and the corresponding weight domain in Rhyme Theory are underlined.

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