"Insulating Phases of Vanadium Dioxide are Mott-Hubbard Insulators" by T. J. Huffman, C. Hendriks et al.

Insulating Phases of Vanadium Dioxide are Mott-Hubbard Insulators

T. J. Huffman
C. Hendriks
E. J. Walter
M. M. Qazilbash, William & Mary


We present comprehensive broadband optical spectroscopy data on two insulating phases of vanadium dioxide (VO2): monoclinic M2 and triclinic. The main result of our work is that the energy gap and the electronic structure are essentially unaltered by the first-order structural phase transition between the M2 and triclinic phases. Moreover, the optical interband features in the M2 and triclinic phases are remarkably similar to those observed in the well-studied monoclinic M1 insulating phase of VO2. As the energy gap is insensitive to the different lattice structures of the three insulating phases, we rule out vanadium-vanadium pairing (the Peierls component) as the dominant contributor to the opening of the gap. Rather, the energy gap arises primarily from intra-atomic Coulomb correlations.