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The peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) was believed to be extirpated as a breeding species in Virginia by the early 1960s. An aggressive restoration program was initiated in 1978 that included the release of 115 captive-reared birds on the Coastal Plain (1978-1985) and 127 birds in the mountains (1985-1993). This program resulted in the first breeding of the modern era in 1982. Since this time, the population has proceeded through a rapid establishment phase followed by a consolidation phase. However, more than 95% of all breeding activity over the past 30 years has occurred on the Coastal Plain with very limited breeding within the historic mountain range. Since 2000 a dedicated translocation program has moved more than 250 birds from eyries on the coast to hack sites in the mountains in an effort to restore the mountain breeding population. Restoration of the breeding population in the mountains continues to be a management priority for the state. In 2021, Virginia supported a known falcon population of 29 breeding pairs including 21 within the Coastal Plain, 3 in the Piedmont and 5 in the mountains. The population continues to hover round 30 breeding pairs. A new pair was discovered on Knob Mountain and a single male was resident near Saxis Virginia. The 2021 breeding season was the most productive in the state’s history producing 68 young. A minimum of 90 eggs were laid with at least 72 hatching. The reproductive rate was 2.38 young/occupied territory. Of 18 clutches that were followed completely from laying to fledging, 55 of 66 (83.3%) eggs hatched, and 52 of 55 (94.5%) young survived to banding age. Three young were known to have problems after fledging including birds recovered on the ground in Norfolk, Richmond and Reston that were taken for rehab. Efforts continued in 2021 to identify breeding adults via field-readable bands to better understand dispersal and demography throughout the mid-Atlantic region. The banding status of 48 (82.8%) of the 58 adult peregrines known within the breeding population was determined. Nine (18.8%) of the 48 birds where status was determined were unbanded. Of the banded birds where state of origin could be determined, 25 were from VA, 2 from MD, 3 from NJ, 1 from DE and 1 from PA. The natal territories were determined for 34 adults. Birds ranged in age from 3 to 20 years old. During the 2021 season, 4 young falcons (2 males and 2 females) were translocated to Shenandoah National Park and hacked. Birds were released on 29 May 2021 and were fine on release. Nine addled falcon eggs were recovered during the 2021 breeding season. Eggs were recovered from 5 sites including 2 bridges, 2 smoke stacks and 1 tower.


Abund/Distr, Breeding/Demography/Pop Dynamics, Banding


Peregrine Falcon


Center for Conservation Biology Technical Report Series, CCBTR-21-18. William & Mary, Williamsburg, VA.
