Honors Theses from 2024
Evaluating Large Language Model Performance on Haskell, Andrew Chen
ShoulDetector: Shoulder Motion Detection with Conductive Fabric Sensors, Matthew Chen, Kenneth Koltermann, Gang Zhou, and Huajie Shao
Multi-Sensor Fusion and V2V Collaboration in Autonomous Vehicles: A Comprehensive Framework for Self-Driving, Myra Cropper
Security and Interpretability in Large Language Models, Lydia Danas
Code Syntax Understanding in Large Language Models, Cole Granger
Comparison of Vulnerabilities from Smart Home Devices in Chinese and Global Market, Yihe Jiang
Improving the Scalability of Neural Network Surface Code Decoders, Kevin Yipu Wu
Enhancing Federated Learning with Deep Generative Model, Yile Xu
Honors Theses from 2023
Power Profiling Smart Home Devices, Kailai Cui
kFactorVAE: Self-Supervised Regularization for Better A.I. Disentanglement, Joseph S. Lee
Analyzing Cryptographic API Misuse in IoT Libraries, Sayyed Hadi Razmjo
Examining the Robustness of an Advanced Self-Driving System through Simulation and Fault Injection, Philip Schowitz
Honors Theses from 2022
Quantum Federated Learning: Training Hybrid Neural Networks Collaboratively, Anneliese Brei
Accelerating Gesture Detection DNNs on Mobile Devices with Model Pruning and Whole Application Optimization Co-Design, Charles Wang
Honors Theses from 2021
Performance Implications of Memory Affinity on Filesystem Caches in a Non-Uniform Memory Access Environment, Jacob Adams
Translating Video Recordings of Mobile App UI Gestures into Replayable Scenarios for Native and Hybrid Apps, Madeleine Havranek
Static and Dynamic Analysis in Cryptographic-API Misuse Detection of Mobile Application, Kunyang Li
A Pain Free Nociceptor: Predicting Football Injuries with Machine Learning, Andrew Lyubovsky
On Designing a Digital Marketplace for Bartering Course Registration, Daniel Quiroga
Modeling Effects of Macroeconomic and Fundamental Factors in Equity Returns with Machine Learning, Xinzhi Zhang
Honors Theses from 2019
Twitter Sentiment Analysis on Leicester City's Phenomenal 2015/16 EPL Title Winning Season, Eyosyas Dagnachew
Using Gleaned Computing Power to Forecast Emerging-market Equity Returns with Machine Learning, Xida Ren
Utilizing Machine Learning Classifiers to Identify SSH Brute Force Attacks, Dmytro Shmagin
Leveraging NLP to Enable Analysis of User Driven Routines, Ruhao Tang
Honors Theses from 2018
Clarity: An Exploration of Semantic Information Encoded in Mobile Application GUIs, Michael J. Curcio
Procedural Generation and Rendering of Ink Bamboo Painting, Yangyang He
Turning Detection in Sandbar Sharks Through Accelerometer Data, Benjamin Powell
Honors Theses from 2017
Analyzing Political Bias through a User-Friendly Interface, Colin Lightfoot
Characterization of Neural Network Backpropagation on Chiplet-based GPU Architectures, Colin A. Weinshenker
Honors Theses from 2014
SEED: Searching Encrypted Email Dependably. A design specification for secured webmail., Alessandro Roux
Honors Theses from 2013
Metis: Mocking Data for Usability & Privacy, Brett Cooley
Honors Theses from 2011
Protocol Design for Sensor Networks, Harry Tian Gao
Honors Theses from 2009
Software Engineering of a Direct Search Package for Nonlinear Optimization, Charles Michael Liarakos
Specialization Methods and Cataphoricity in Coreference Resolution, Robert Staubs
Secure Passwords Through Enhanced Hashing, Benjamin Strahs
Honors Theses from 2006
A Prototype for In Situ Packet Filtering, William Watson Cline
Honors Theses from 2003
Nonparametric Estimation of the Cumulative Intensity Function for a Nonhomogeneous Service Process, Eric Rozier
Honors Theses from 2000
Simplex Search Behavior in Nonlinear Optimization, Adam P. Gurson
Model-Assisted Pattern Search, Christopher M. Siefert