"Urban Teachers' Perceptions of the Implementation of the Virginia Guid" by Bernadette Y. Smith



Date Awarded

Spring 2016

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)




James H. Stronge

Committee Member

Michael F. DiPaola

Committee Member

Megan Tschannen-Moran


Urban Teachers’ Perceptions of the Implementation of the Virginia Guidelines for Uniform Performance Standards and Evaluation Criteria for Teachers Abstract An emphasis has been placed on teacher evaluation to improve student achievement; therefore, states such as Virginia have had to revise their teacher evaluation systems. The most recent revisions in Virginia were implemented in 2012. A major component of the revision was the inclusion of student progress in teacher evaluation. Since the inclusion of student progress into teacher evaluation, teachers, and administrators have had to make adjustments in their practices and procedures related to teacher evaluation. Consequently, the purpose of this case study was to examine the perceptions of a sample of teachers regarding the implementation of the revised performance standards and evaluation criteria in 2012. The perceptions of a sample of secondary teachers in a small urban district were examined to identify factors that might influence their perceptions of the performance standards and related topics. The literature review outlined transformations that have occurred in education and their impact on teacher evaluation. Participants were comprised of 12 teachers who were interviewed using a semistructured format as the primary data source. Another source of data was the reviewing of documents. The findings also indicated that teachers possessed primarily positive perceptions of the performance standards in their current teacher evaluation system. Recommendations included on-going professional development (e.g., expanding grade levels for teachers), interviewing administrators, and determining their perceptions of the performance standards.




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