Date Awarded

Fall 2016

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)




Charles R McAdams III

Committee Member

Charles R Gressard

Committee Member

Bruce A Bracken


CHRONIC SORROW IN FAMILY MEMBERS OF ADDICTS: AN INVESTIGATION OF PARTNERS OF ADDICTS AND DIVORCEES TO EXPLORE CHRONIC SORROW AS A THEORETICAL UNDERSTANDING OF THE EXPERIENCES OF FAMILY MEMBERS OF ADDICTS ABSTRACT This study attempted to examine chronic sorrow as a theoretical understanding of the negative psychological symptoms of family members of addicts (FMoAs). Partners of addicts (PoAs) (n = 94) were compared against divorcees (n = 66) for chronic sorrow and codependence. Males (n = 53) and females (n = 107) were also compared for chronic sorrow and codependence. Some hypotheses were supported, such as chronic sorrow increased as codependence increased; female PoAs scored significantly greater than the population mean for chronic sorrow; and male and female divorcee scores were equal to the population mean for chronic sorrow; however some hypotheses were not supported. Additionally, the statistical output appeared to indicate trends among certain groupings of variables: Both codependence and chronic sorrow may have application in a clinical setting for FMoAs, male PoAs consistently scored in the range below female PoAs, codependence was detected in both male divorcee and female PoA subgroups. The clinical application and significance of those findings for future research is explored, such as the influence of a recovery program on negative psychological symptoms of FMoAs. VICTORIA GRACE HARGENRADER MCLAUGHLIN DEPARTMENT OF SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGY AND COUNSELOR EDUCATION THE COLLEGE OF WILLIAM AND MARY IN VIRGINIA



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