"Investigating Professional Development Models that Assist Teachers in " by Lindsey Wood Caccavale



Date Awarded

Spring 2017

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)




Michael F DiPaola

Committee Member

Michael F DiPaola

Committee Member

Christopher Gareis

Committee Member

Eugene Roache


Teacher effectiveness and collective efficacy are the leading factors in predicting student achievement (Donohoo, 2016; Eells, 2011; Hattie, 2012; Marzano, 2003; Stronge, Grant, & Xu, 2015; Wright, Horn, and Sanders 1997). as students in the United States continue to be out-performed by other nations, schools are charged with investigating ways to strengthen teacher effectiveness and increase the sense of collective efficacy amongst a school staff. This action research study investigated the effects on teacher reflection, teacher pedagogy, and collective efficacy after implementing three different types of peer observation models. Action research was purposefully chosen as the methodology for this study because of the vested interest in the outcomes by all those involved. Teachers were organized by grade level and randomly assigned to one of three intervention groups: lesson study, teaching and learning tours, and instructional rounds. Over a 12-week period of time, teachers engaged in their assigned type of peer observation a total of four times. Qualitative and quantitative data was collected consisting of pre- and post- Collective Efficacy Scales (CE-SCALE), semi-structured focus group interviews, and pre- and post- teacher observations using the Balanced Literacy Form. Findings supported that when teachers engaged in the different peer observation models, they were able to engage in deep reflection about their teaching and improve their pedagogy. There was no change in pre- and post- collective efficacy scores. This study hopes to inspire other groups of practitioners to use the action research process to identify problems that impact their personal learning environments, collect data, and use that data to determine a course for improvement.




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