"A Delphi Study Regarding How, Can, and Should Individual Psychology De" by Sterling Price Travis



Date Awarded

Spring 2017

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)




Charles R McAdams

Committee Member

Victoria A Foster

Committee Member

Jacqueline Rodriguez

Committee Member

Richard E Watts


The purpose of this research was to identify and reach consensus regarding how, can, and should individual psychology demonstrate efficacy and effectiveness given the current evidence based practice (EBP) evaluation standards. A review of the current literature on individual psychology and the pressure for the mental health field to adhere to EBP evaluation standards was presented. A Delphi study was conducted within three iterative rounds in order to reach consensus for how, can, and should individual psychology demonstrate efficacy and effectiveness. A panel of Adlerian Experts initially constructed a list of suggestions for efficacy (81) and a list of suggestions for effectiveness (54), and were asked to rank order and rate all suggestions based on the how, can, and should components for each round. Frequencies (percentages) and measures of central tendency (median and interquartile range) were computed for each suggestions rankings and ratings between rounds in order to identify suggestions that trended towards or reached consensus. After three rounds and testing for stability (Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-rank test, Spearman correlation coefficient) the Adlerian Experts indicated several suggestions that had reached or trended towards stable consensus. From each of the suggestions that reached stable consensus, four common themes emerged (research design; operationalizing, standardizing, and manualizing; dissemination; and internal and external support) and are elaborated on in this study. Limitations, future research, and implications are identified.




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