"Intertidal Zonation of Marine Algae at Gloucester Point, Virginia" by Barry Lee Wulff

Date Awarded


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (M.A.)


Virginia Institute of Marine Science


A study was made of the intertidal zone of aged wooden pilings from February to June, 1967 at Gloucester Point Virginia,located in the lower York River estuary. Twenty-six species of marine algae were found grouped into three floristic zones.

Nine species were limited to below mean low water, whichialL.rlted the lowest cone. In this group there were six Rhodophyta and three Chlorophyta. Seven floral levels comprised the middle floristic zone between mean low water to a height of 74 cm above mean low water. These levels ere based on uppermost range extensions of sixteen species (six Cyanophyta, two Rhodophyta,one Phaeophyta and seven Chlorophyta). The Cyanophyta Calothrix crustacea formed the highest floristic zone attaining a maximum height of 122 cm above mean low water.

Collections from acrylic plastic plates showed a change in the floral composition below mean low water during May and June.Six species were found during the study period that were previously unreported from Virginia: Ectocarpus confervoides Enteromorpha compressa, Enteromorpha erecta, Enteromorpha prolifera, Monostroma leptodermum and Ulothrix flacca.




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