"An analysis of Virginia public school principals' perceptions of their" by Howard Thomas Gillette III

Date Awarded


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)




G. William Bullock, Jr.


The purpose of the study was to analyze the role perceptions of the school principal in Virginia. Information was gathered to identify principals according to such demographic and situational variables as sex, age, race, marital status, educational preparation, type of school assignment, school size, and years of administrative experience. Collected data was analyzed to determine if principals' perceptions of their roles differ significantly because of differences in sex, age, race, level of school organization (elementary, middle level, and senior high), and location of the principal's school (suburban, urban, and rural).;The subjects were Virginia public school principals. A 90-item questionnaire was used to collect data associated with the behaviors of principals. The interrelationships among the variables were measured by use of multiple analysis of variance techniques.;There were no statistically significant differences in respondents' perceptions of their roles with regard to sex, age, race, level of school organization, and school location. Principals indicated that they viewed the role of principal in much the same way. All groups considered all areas of the principal's behavior to be of greater than average importance.;Principals confirmed the ambiguous and interpersonal nature of their job by rating behaviors associated with school-community relations, student services, personnel administration, and curriculum and instruction as of better than average importance. Agreement among the groups of principals in their rankings of the various areas of administrative behavior supports the hypotheses that most principals hold similar perceptions of the job. Age, sex, race, school organization, and school location do not significantly influence these perceptions.




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