"Applying the transtheoretical model of change to court-ordered/DUI out" by Cynthia Munch Levy

Date Awarded


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)




Charles Gressard


This study applied the Transtheoretical model of change to a court ordered/DUI client population to aid counselors in developing a more effective differential treatment model. Clients were individuals convicted of DUI and referred for treatment to one of 4 community mental health centers. at their first meeting, 150 clients completed surveys measuring stage of change (SOC), processes of change, self-efficacy, and decisional balance concerning their drinking. Demographic data was also taken. After treatment, number of sessions attended and successful or unsuccessful discharge was recorded.;Results found significantly more men (122) than women (28). There were significantly more men (81%) than women (51%) in the Precontemplation SOC, with significantly more women (25%) than men (10%) in the Action SOC. A comparison of SOC with the volunteer alcoholism treatment clients in DiClemente & Hughes (1990) study showed significantly more Precontemplators and significantly fewer Action clients.;All 10 processes of change were significantly higher both in the Action SOC and Contemplation SOC than in the Precontemplation SOC. Self-efficacy scores were higher than temptation scores throughout all 3 SOC and did not vary according to the SOC. Cons of drinking were higher than the pros during all 3 SOC. Pros of drinking did not vary according to the SOC but the cons varied with both Contemplators and Action clients reporting significantly higher scores than Precontemplators. Approximately 64% of clients completed treatment successfully, 32% completed unsuccessfully, and 4% moved away during treatment regardless of agency, counselor, or stage of change.;Results support application of this model to a court ordered population.




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