"Dimensions of Principal Support Behaviors and their Relationship to Or" by Jennifer A. Tindle

Date Awarded


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)




Michael F. DiPaola


This research was designed with the primary purpose of identifying the dimensions of principal support perceived by public high school teachers in Virginia and identifying the relationship between principal support and organizational citizenship behaviors. In addition, this study also examined the relationship between principal support and student achievement; organizational citizenship and student achievement, as well as the interaction of Principal Support, Organizational Citizenship Behaviors and Student Achievement when controlling for SES. Participants in the study were self-selected after being contacted by a member of a team of researchers from The College of William & Mary. Thirty-four schools elected to participate in the survey which required teachers in the selected high schools to complete one of the two forms of the School Social Variables Survey. For this study, data were collected using the Organizational Citizenship Behaviors in Schools Survey, the Principal Support Survey, and Standard of Learning Test results for the areas of Algebra II, Biology, English 11 Reading, and World History I. SES was accounted for by calculating the percentage of free and reduced price lunch students served in each building.;This study found that principal support has two dimensions; expressive support and instrumental support. Only expressive support was found to have a significant positive relationship with organizational citizenship behavior. In addition, this study found that there was a significant and positive correlation between SES and all measures of student achievement. It also found that there was a significant positive correlation between Organizational Citizenship Behaviors and the measures of student achievement for Biology and English 11.;No significant correlation was found between instrumental support and organizational citizenship, either dimension of principal support and student achievement, or organizational citizenship and the student achievement measures of Algebra II or World History I.




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