"Increasing teachers' and parents' awareness of indicators of giftednes" by Clifton Gadberry Payne Jr.

Date Awarded


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)




Roger R. Ries


Low socioeconomic students represent a population in public schools which is underrepresented and underserved in the talented and gifted programs. Part of the problem may be due to teachers' and parents' abilities to recognize giftedness in economically disadvantaged potentially gifted students and to nominate them for a gifted screening.;The present study attempted to determine if a training program for teachers and parents would increase the valid referral rate of potentially gifted economically disadvantaged students. Teachers at one school received an oral presentation and written summation of economically disadvantaged potentially gifted student characteristics. Teachers at a second school received the written summation only, while third school served as the control.;Results indicate a significant improvement in the teachers' understanding and awareness of traditional, nontraditional, and parent/home characteristics in general. Teachers from the oral and written presentation group showed a significant improvement in their ability to accurately refer economically disadvantaged potentially gifted students following intervention.;Teachers and parents from the treatment schools referred more economically disadvantaged students following treatment than from the control school, although not to a significant degree. However, these students continued to have difficulty meeting the eligibility criteria of the gifted program requirements, resulting in few new students following the intervention.




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