"The effectiveness of an intervention program to improve performance of" by Harriet Elizabeth Bauer

Date Awarded


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)




The purpose of this study was to determine whether there was a difference in achievement scores and pass rates on Virginia's Literacy Passport Test between students who volunteered for and received additional instruction, students who volunteered for but did not receive the instruction, and students who neither volunteered for nor received interventional instruction in a program for rising sixth graders identified as potentially at-risk of initially failing the LPT.;It was hypothesized that (1) volunteers' scores of those who attended the summer program would show higher achievement and pass rates than either the scores of the volunteers without additional instruction and non-volunteers and (2) volunteer scores and pass rates of students who had not entered the five week program but expressed a desire to do so would show higher achievement than the non-volunteers.;Students' LPT scores were measured and analyzed. Those who received treatment did not produce mean scores nor pass rates significantly higher than those who did not receive treatment.;Further study is needed to determine whether summer intervention programs are effective for those students who have taken the LPT and have failed any portion of it.




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