"Beam dynamics in the CEBAF superconducting cavities" by Zenghai Li

Date Awarded


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)




Joseph J Bisognano


This work is a study of beam dynamics in the CEBAF superconducting cavities under the influence of the fields generated by externally applied RF and beam particles.;A full 3-D modeling of the CEBAF 5-cell superconducting cavity is carried out. Details of the modeling with MAFIA are discussed. Multipole fields due to the asymmetric couplers are studied by means of 3-D Fourier transforms. The cavity steering and focusing of the multipole fields are studied. Experimental measurements of these effects are performed to validate the modeling. Evaluation of the cavity misalignment is discussed. The emittance degradation effects in the CEBAF superconducting linacs and an FEL driver linac due to the head-tail effects of the cavity steering and the {dollar}x - y{dollar} coupling effects of the multipole fields are studied.;The beam-cavity interactions for cases of {dollar}v\sb{lcub}s{rcub}, v\sb{lcub}t{rcub} \not= c{dollar} are studied. The Lindman boundary condition is implemented to accommodate simulation of infinite long beam pipes of the beam line. A fourth-order finite-difference algorithm is derived in cylindrical coordinates to reduce the frequency dependent truncation errors, which were discovered in the process of calculating wake fields of very short bunches, of the second-order Yee algorithm. The effects of the slippage between the source particle and the test particle are considered in the wake function calculations. Radial scaling relations are obtained for calculating the wake functions on the axis from the integrated value at the beam pipe radius. The scaling found not only depends on the beam energy but also depends on the bunch length of the beam and the opening of the cavity. The conditions for the validity of the ultrarelativistic treatment of the wakefield are discussed.;The emittance growth and the energy spread due to the combined effects of the cavity multipole fields and the wakefields in a 40 MeV IR FEL driver linac are studied.




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