"Making an impression: Women printers in the Southern colonies in the R" by Martha Joanne King

Date Awarded


Document Type

Dissertation -- Access Restricted On-Campus Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)




John E Selby


The purpose of this dissertation is to examine the interconnections of the public and personal lives of six women printers of the colonial South: Mary Wilkinson Crouch, Mary Katherine Goddard, Anne Catharine Green, Clementina Rind, Elizabeth Timothy, and Ann Timothy. Earlier studies of colonial printing history have focused on the New England and mid-Atlantic colonies. This work fills a regional gap by studying printers in revolutionary Maryland, Virginia, and South Carolina.;As printers, these six individuals provided a unique window on the cosmopolitan nature of their southern societies through the newspapers they published. as female artisans in a male-dominated profession, they used their newspapers to reflect a gendered appeal to other women through discussion of female education, political consciousness, boycott participation, and courtship and marriage.;Five of the subjects were widows of printers who assumed business responsibilities upon their husbands' deaths; the sixth subject was the feme sole sister and daughter of a printer. Widowhood created more demands on these women as well as opened doors to greater autonomy. All six women became increasingly assertive in their community and familial roles. Both the private domestic sphere and the public commercial sphere are needed to assess their historical significance.




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