"“I Fixed Up The Trees To Give Them Some New Life:” Queer Desire, Affec" by Maxwell Mason Cloe

Date Awarded

Summer 2021

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (M.A.)


American Studies


Leisa D Meyer

Committee Member

Elizabeth Losh

Committee Member

Alan Braddock


The following essay and digital projects each engage both with a unique aspect of contemporary queer Appalachian art and culture as well as the ways in which oral history and digital humanities methodologies can be used to generate collaborative research possibilities. The first essay is an exploration of two LGBTQ+ Appalachian artists, Dustin Hall and Charles Williams, and the ways in which their work uses Donna Haraway’s “naturecultures” and Jose Muñoz’ understanding of queer futurity to rethink human relationships with non-human nature. The first digital project is an online exhibition of queer Appalachian artists and their work, bolstered by oral history interviews, that provides a platform for these artists to connect with one another and reach a wider audience. The second digital project is a digital archive of the Queer Appalachia Project’s Instagram account, serving as a means to hold the Project accountable for their numerous scandals and provide a resource for Appalachian Studies researchers to access the account in a way which is more easily navigable than the social media site. Together, these three projects embody an interdisciplinary intervention into the fields of Appalachian Studies, rural queer studies, oral history, and the digital humanities.




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