"Optimum age, temperature, and salinity for estuarine stocking of juven" by Walter Steven Otwell

Date Awarded


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (M.Sc.)


Virginia Institute of Marine Science


John V. Merriner

Committee Member

John A. Musick

Committee Member

George Grant

Committee Member

Dale Calder

Committee Member

William G. MacIntyre


A 3n factorial design to evaluate the effects of an abrupt introduction of striped bass, Morone saxatilis from a closed-system rearing facility into a variety of experimental temperature and salinity combinations has demonstrated a considerable hardiness of juvenile fish. Striped bass less than two months old had over 80.0%, survival during seven days subsequent to acute introduction from an average ambient condition of 21.0 ± 3 C at 0.20 to 4.8% into temperatures of 18 C and 24 C and salinities of 4.0% and 12.0%. Relative growth in these treatments was significantly greater than in the 12 C treatment at all salinities . These results lend a degree of flexibility to the stocking program as to site selection and time of release, both of which should be governed by food types and quantities available, and the concentration and activity of predators. This dissertation is from the Joint Program Degree from the College of William & Mary and University of Virginia and awarded by the University of Virginia.




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