"On Supporting Android Software Developers And Testers" by Carlos Eduardo Bernal Cardenas



Date Awarded


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)


Computer Science


Denys Poshyvanyk

Committee Member

Evgenia Smirni

Committee Member

Adwait Nadkarni

Committee Member

Oscar Chaparro

Committee Member

Andrian Marcus


Users entrust mobile applications (apps) to help them with different tasks in their daily lives. However, for each app that helps to finish a given task, there are a plethora of other apps in popular marketplaces that offer similar or nearly identical functionality. This makes for a competitive market where users will tend to favor the highest quality apps in most cases. Given that users can easily get frustrated by apps which repeatedly exhibit bugs, failures, and crashes, it is imperative that developers promptly fix problems both before and after the release. However, implementing and maintaining high quality apps is difficult due to unique problems and constraints associated with the mobile development process such as fragmentation, quick feature changes, and agile software development. This dissertation presents an empirical study, as well as several approaches for developers, testers and designers to overcome some of these challenges during the software development life cycle. More specifically, first we perform an in-depth analysis of developers’ needs on automated testing techniques. This included surveying 102 contributors of open source Android projects about practices for testing their apps. The major findings from this survey illustrate that developers: (i) rely on usage models for designing test app cases, (ii) prefer expressive automated generated test cases organized around use cases, (iii) prefer manual testing over automation due to reproducibility issues, and (iv) do not perceive that code coverage is an important measure of test case quality. Based on the findings from the survey, this dissertation presents several approaches to support developers and testers of Android apps in their daily tasks. In particular, we present the first taxonomy of faults in Android apps. This taxonomy is derived from a manual analysis of 2,023 software artifacts extracted from six different sources (e.g., stackoverflow and bug reports). The taxonomy is divided into 14 categories containing 262 specific types. Then, we derived 38 Android-specific mutation operators from the taxonomy. Additionally, we implemented the infrastructure called MDroid+ that automatically introduces mutations in Android apps. Third, we present a practical automation for crowdsourced videos of mobile apps called V2S. This solution automatically translates video recordings of mobile executions into replayable user scenarios. V2S uses computer vision and adopts deep learning techniques to identify user interactions from video recordings that illustrate bugs or faulty behaviors in mobile apps. Last but not least, we present an approach that aims at supporting the maintenance process by facilitating the way users report bugs for Android apps. It comprises the interaction between an Android and a web app that assist the reporter by automatically collecting relevant information.




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