"Teacher Perceptions Of Self-Efficacy And Instructional Practices Throu" by Jason Strong

Date Awarded


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)




Margaret Constantino

Committee Member

Michael F DiPaola

Committee Member

Steven Staples


Through decades of research and practice, evidence has consistently revealed that math instruction focused on the development of conceptual understanding through reasoning, dialogue, revision, and reflection has the greatest long-term impact on success and self-efficacy in mathematics. Despite these findings, many classrooms continue to employ instructional approaches that emphasize procedural practice. The purpose of this mixed-methods action research study was to examine the impact of instructional coaching in mathematics on teacher self-efficacy and instruction as they relate to the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics teaching practice of facilitating mathematical discourse. Participants in the study included a mathematics instructional coach and three teachers in grades K-2 at a rural school division in northeast Virginia. Through a 6-week collaborative coaching cycle that included co-planning, curriculum development, co-teaching, and reflection, this study collected qualitative and quantitative evidence on shifts in mindsets and practices through surveys, interviews, reflective questionnaires, and classroom observations. Findings suggest that instructional coaching in mathematics has the potential to grow teacher self-efficacy through a focus on curriculum and content that includes expert support through modeling and feedback while building pedagogy in mathematics through an exploration of varied approaches to teaching math concepts.




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