"Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics: An Experimental Study Of Different" by HAO QIAN

Date Awarded


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (M.Sc.)




John Poutsma

Committee Member

Kurt Williamson

Committee Member

Tyler K. Meldrum


After decades with the development of genetics study, the next step of molecular biology had already been moved onto proteomics. The proteomics study provides an innovative aspect to deduct the relationship between genes and proteins. Meanwhile, research that focuses on the mechanism of protein interactions and intrinsic properties of proteins never cease. The mass spectrometry-based proteomics approaches have already shown their versatile and superior in studying the whole proteome of complicated organisms. This study focuses on practicing bottom-up method in determining and characterizing the expressed proteome of two mycobacteriophages, CrimD and Larva. The expressed proteins of CrimD and Larva in their host, Mycobacterium smegmatis, were determined and analyzed by The Proteome Discoverer. The data was further discussed to deduct the function of unknown genes that expressed the proteins. On the other hand, a set of proline-containing dipeptide was modeled and simulated via PCmodel 9 and Gaussian to predict their proton affinity. A series of computational chemistry models were used at different calculation level to find the most possible structure and energy for these dipeptides. This project is a huge computation-intense calculation project and unfinished. A summary about the current achievement is reported in this thesis.




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