"Promoting Kindergarten Family Efficacy Through A Virtual Workshop Seri" by Jessica Anderson Brown

Date Awarded


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)




Steven M. Constantino

Committee Member

Margaret E. Constantino

Committee Member

Steven R. Staples


Families play an essential role in their children’s academic, social, and emotional development. Many families want to support their children’s learning but are unsure of how to do so. It is an important task of schools to find ways to engage students’ families and help them support their children’s learning at home. This study explored the effects of a virtual workshop series designed for the families of kindergarten students on participants’ knowledge, self-efficacy, and family practices at home. Three research questions were addressed: After participating in a workshop series, how do participants describe their knowledge of family practices that support literacy, numeracy, social and emotional learning, and the transition from kindergarten to first grade? After participating in a workshop series, how do participants perceive their levels of self-efficacy related to supporting their child’s learning at home? After participating in a workshop series, how do participants describe changes in family practices that support an effective home learning environment? Taking a mixed methods approach, the study used interviews, surveys, daily reflection charts, and field notes to answer the questions. Results indicated that participants increased their knowledge and self-efficacy related to supporting their children’s learning at home and made changes to their family practices, including reading more often with their children. Recommendations include schools offering a variety of workshop opportunities, providing families with necessary materials for home-based learning support, and incorporating ways for families to share their successes and challenges.




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