
Date Awarded


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)




Margaret Constantino

Committee Member

James Stronge

Committee Member

Leslie Grant

Committee Member

Margaret Constantino

Committee Member

Thomas Ward


Parent-Child Reading Program (PRP) was an intervention program designed by Ms. Dai, who was a Chinese teacher at Future School in China, to promote reading literacy among elementary students. Program participants included the teacher in the PRP (Ms. Dai) and the parents of students who participated in the program. The goal of this program was to see if implementing the PRP results in improved student reading literacy through home-school cooperation at Future School in China. The purpose of the evaluation was to determine whether the PRP is being implemented with fidelity, whether parents’ efficacy in supporting their children’s literacy changes, and whether students’ reading performance improves following the reading program. Both quantitative and qualitative research methods were designed based on the evaluation questions, and they include the use of a comparative group research design for reading score analysis. It was found that the PRP has benefited participants in parent-child reading, improving students’ reading literacy, increasing parents’ self-efficacy, and strengthening home-school relationships. It is recommended that the program continue in its current form with a few adjustments to enhance students’ reading literacy and seek out resources to educate parents about child development and teacher’s reading instruction. Meanwhile, school leaders and educational systems have great responsibility to ensure that students acquire the ability to read. They must be tuned into student data and constantly monitor progress to make necessary instructional, curricular, assessment, and program adjustments. The study’s findings can be used to help inform recommendations for the program’s continuance and adjustments.




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