Theses/Dissertations from 1996
The John Page House Site: A n Example of the Increase in Domestic Brick Architecture in Seventeenth-Century Tidewater Virginia, Dwayne Webster Pickett
Liberalism and Toleration: Competing Concepts of Toleration in Liberal Thought, Jonathan Parks Pierpan
The role of microbial food webs in benthic-pelagic coupling in freshwater and marine ecosystems, Adele J. Pile
John Donne's Thwarted Redemption of Poetry in "A Valediction: of the Booke", Patrick Lee Plaisance
Working with Tools: Work, Identity, and Perception Communicated through the Material Culture of Work in the Context of the Rideau Canal Construction 1826-1832, Suzanne Elizabeth Stella Plousos
Schizotypy and Extroversion-Introversion: Correlation and Electrodermal Activities in Emotions, Kai Qu
Evaluating the Genotoxicity of Quinacrine in Mammals using the Sister Chromatid Exchange Test, Sutapa Ray
The relationship between moral and ego development and treatment foster parent effectiveness and attitudes, Brent Gentry Richardson
Tapping hidden talent: The identification of culturally diverse students for gifted education programs in the southeastern United States, Priscilla Richmond
The juggling act female administrators perform between their professional and nonprofessional lives, Betsy Taylor Roesch
The Spirit of the Times: Church, State and Revolution in Virginia, Kenneth William Rosenfeld
The long-term effectiveness of the Reading Recovery Program, Mary Jan Rozzelle
Habitat Complexity as a Determinant of Juvenile Blue Crab Survival, Jessica L. Schulman
Archaeology Goes to School: A Cooperative Approach to Teaching History Through Archaeology, Paul David Schuster
Propagation of guided acoustic waves in composite media, Michael David Seale
Principals' knowledge of legal issues related to the delivery of health services in Virginia, Lucia Villa Sebastian
The role of epibenthic predators in structuring marine soft-bottom communities along an estuarine gradient, Rochelle D. Seitz
"I Rode Six Miles to Zion": The Experiences of a Circuit Rider in Virginia, Joseph Servis
Water quality modeling as an inverse problem, Jian Shen
Forging a New Indian Religion in Seventeenth-Century Huronia, David John Silverman
The Once and Future Friend: Tennyson's Exploration of Human Immortality, Melinda Simons
Preferences of Female Peromyscus maniculatus bairdii for Proximity to Males: Implications for the Evolution of the Bruce Effect, Tavis Winton Sipe
Growth Dynamics of a York River Estuary Heterotrophic Dinoflagellate Grazing Katodinium rotundatum, Angela Denise Smith
Neuropsychological Function, Recidivism, and Community Adjustment of the Mentally Ill Chemically Addicted (MICA) Patient, Robert Warren Smith
"So that I Get Her Again": African American Slave Women Runaways in Selected Richmond, Virginia Newspapers, 1830-1860, and the Richmond, Virginia Police Guard Daybook, 1834-1843, Leni Ashmore Sorensen
Censorship, Cyberspace, and Community Standards: American Responses to On-Line Obscenity, Laura Mame Spear
Susceptibility to Activity-Based Anorexia, Eric Zane Stanley
Transport in chaotic systems, Xian Zhu Tang
Age, Growth, and Reproductive Biology of Blackcheek Tonguefish, Symphurus plagiusa (Cynoglossidae: Pleuronectiformes), in Chesapeake Bay, Virginia, Mark Richard Terwilliger
"Preserving their form and features": The role of coffins in the American understanding of death, 1607-1870, Brent Warren Tharp
The principal's role in fostering teacher collaboration for students with special needs, Evie Ruth Tindall
Facing Philadelphia: The social functions of silhouettes, miniatures, and daguerreotypes, 1760-1860, Anne Ayer Verplanck
"Seventeen" Magazine as a Manual for "Doing Gender", Amy N. Vreeland
Performance of school-age children of prenatal cocaine exposure: Five case studies, Susan Larson Wallace
Reproductive Biology of Tautog, Tautoga onitis, in the Lower Chesapeake Bay and Coastal Waters of Virginia, Geoffrey Gordon White
Students with autism: A light/sound technology intervention, Patricia Powell Woodbury
School-university partnerships: An exploration of the relationship, Daisy Bertha Wood
First measurement of the induced proton polarization, P(n), in the C-12 (e, e'p) reaction, Rhett J. Woo
Regional Variations in Third World Development, Robert Dempsey Wynn
Characterizing the Degradation of Nylon-11 and PVDF in a Flexible Oil Pipe and Cure Monitoring of Chemflake Vinylester, John Chen Yang
Variational inverse methods for transport problems, Zhaoqing Yang
Full Field Nondestructive Techniques for Imaging Composite Fiber Volume Fraction, Joseph Nomasa Zalameda
An extension of dyadic counseling to multi-family group training with application for Head Start families, Janet J. Zanetti
The Influence of Nouns on Stereotypes, Linda Elaine Zyzniewski
Theses/Dissertations from 1995
The Symbolic Nature of Mortuary Act in the Royal Navy Cemetery on Ireland Island, Bermuda, 1800-1899, Christina Lynn Adinolfi
Tidepool Value as Foraging Patches for Breeding and Migrating Birds in Tidal Salt Marshes in the Lower Chesapeake Bay, Amanda Susan Allen
Finfish Communities of Two Intertidal Marshes of the Goodwin Islands, York River, Virginia, Lisa Ann Ayers
Search for metastability of 2S muonic neon, Bernard Wilhelm Bach
Achieving balance in the governance of intercollegiate athletics: An examination of power and authority over time, Robert Eugene Baker
Characterization of PR500 for Use in Resin Transfer Molding, Rhonda Michelle Barksdale
Is All This Digression or Isn't it Digression: "Fourplay" and its Effects in Ford Madox Ford's "The Good Soldier", Stephen Robert Bennett
Colonial Women in the Pennsylvania and Virginia Gazettes, Lisa Kay Bergendahl
"My Bumbling Smiths": An Inter-Site Comparative Analysis of Rural and Urban Blacksmithing in Eighteenth-Century Virginia, Sandra Fiona Bessey
Preserving a Pure Gathering of Saints: A Study of a Seventeenth-Century New England Church, Jonathan David Brand
Towards a New Conceptualization of National Learning, Alice Bengston Brewer
Excavations at the Barton-Swift-Nolan House: Antebellum Material Culture in the Georgia Piedmont, Christopher andrew Brooks
The Contributing Role of Relevant Experience in Efficacy of Coping Across the Life-Span, Liisa J. Brown
Blake and the Enlightenment, Paul Ferrell Brown
Mechanisms of Poly(Vinyl Chloride) Pyrolysis in the Presence of Transition Metals, William Stephen Bryant
The Synthesis of Benzophenane 3,5-Dicarboxylic Acid for the Double Capping of beta-Cyclodextrin, Jaydee Dones Cabral
Life as it Should Be: Resocialization in the C.C.C, Celia M. Carroll
A Comparison of Three Wetland Evaluation Methods in their Assessment of Nontidal Wetlands in the Coastal Plain of Virginia, Melissa Claire Chaun
Adrenal Zona Reticularis Changes Associated with Pubertal Transition in Control Versus Population-Inhibited Prairie Deermice, Bradley Alan Cherry
Joshua Johnson Revisited: Filling the Lacunae, Toby Maria Chieffo-Reidway
Determinants of Great Blue Heron (andea herodias) Colony Size and Location along the James and Chickahominy Rivers in Virginia, Kristine Elise Holoman Clements
Immigration Variability and Post-Settlement Processes of the Spiny Lobster, Panulirus argus, in the Exuma Cays, Bahamas, Luis Coba-Cetina
Framing the Woman Artist: Gender and Art in Howells and Sargent, Matthew Cohen
Effects of Simulated Sediment Resuspension Events on the Abundance of Water Column Bacteria of Tomales Bay, California, Christopher J. Collumb
Helmets off: Spenser's Britomart and Radigund Unveiled, Lorette Courchaine
"Beowulf": Worda and Worca, Christina M. Coyne
Spawning and ecology of early life stages of black drum, Pogonias cormis, in lower Chesapeake Bay, Louis Broaddus Daniel III
Achieving Cultural Identity in "Winter in the Blood" and "Ceremony", Jennifer Kay Davis
Julia Gardiner Tyler: A nineteenth-century Southern woman, Theodore Carter DeLaney
I am Black but in My Heart is No Stain of Infamy: Race Relations in Augusta County, Virginia, 1865-1870, David Gregory Demchuk
Movements and ecology of summer flounder, Paralichthys dentatus, tagged in the southern mid-Atlantic bight, Joseph C. Desfosse
Robert Hunter Morris and the Politics of Indian Affairs in Pennsylvania, 1754-1755, Charles Michael Downing
Cabinet Government and the 1956 Suez Crisis, Paul Duckenfield
Elevated Temperatures Perturb Lipopolysaccharide Leading to Increased Serum Complement Sensitivity in Most Gram-Negative Bacteria, Lori Snyder Dudgeon
Characterization of composite materials from temporal thermal response, Pierre Richard Emeric
The synthesis, characterization, and application of ether-containing polymides, Catharine Croall Fay
An electronic storage and access system for special education legislation, Courtney Siler Frantz
Occurrence, fate and effects of polychlorinated terphenyls in an estuarine environment, Kathryn Gallagher
By Word of Mouth: A n Examination of Myth and History at the Benares Estate, Mary-Catherine E. Garden
Racial Attitude Priming and Effectiveness of a "Black Rage" Defense, Melissa Speck Garth
Civilizing the Savages: Cherokee Advances, White Settlement, and the Rhetoric of Removal, Tracey Ann Gibson
An Analysis of Wetland Total Phosphorus Retention and Watershed Structure, Megan K. Greiner
John A Lomax: Documenting the Myth of the American West, Katherine Hinchliffe Gschwend
Acid dissociation of chloroguaiacols and pH dependent sorption to estuarine sediments, Jennifer Lisa Gundersen
"A friend to go between them": Interpreters among the Iroquois, 1664-1775, Nancy L. Hagedorn
Evaluation of Clients' Perspectives on the H.S Program, Roberta Dean Halsey
The Battle Over Pearl Harbor: The Controversy Surrounding the Japanese Attack, 1941-1994, Robert Seifert Hamblet
Differences in Judging Styles of Law-Students and the Effect on Sentencing, Beverly Annette Hamby
Thomas Becon and the English Reformation: "The Sick Man's Salve" and the Protestantization of English Popular Piety, Mary Regina Seeger Hampson
Social Interaction and Clinical Depressive Disorder, Christianne Parisi Hampton
Filtration of Oysters in Patches: Effects of Water Flow and Seston Composition, Deborah Armitage Harsh
Constrained least-squares digital image restoration, Rajeeb Hazra
James Madison and the Birth of the Bill of Rights: An Analysis of the Original Intent of the First Amendment Within the Political Theory of James Madison, Brian Walter Higgins
The Agricultural Population of Surry County, Virginia 1850-1860: Re-Examining Wealth Distribution in the Antebellum South, Jeffrey L. Holland