Author Guidelines | William & Mary undergraduate honors theses | Theses, Dissertations, & Master Projects | William & Mary

Submission Guidelines for Undergraduate Honors Theses

How to Submit Your Honors Thesis:

  1. Complete your submission & distribution agreement (via DocuSign) provided to you by the Charles Center.
  2. Use a non-W&M email to create a W&M ScholarWorks account by going to My Account at the bottom of this page (page footer)
  3. Once your account is created, Login to W&M ScholarWorks and select Submit Research link on left side menu under Author Corner
  4. Enter the descriptive information (title, abstract, etc.) about your thesis
  5. Access Choice: Select the appropriate access type that MATCHES the terms specify on your agreement form. By default honors theses are restricted to the W&M Community. After consultation with your advisor, you may elect to make your work freely available online, as Open Access.
  6. Enter an Embargo Term, if you choose to restrict access for a period of time
  7. Upload your thesis (PDF format, please!)
  8. Select "Submit" and you're done!

After you have submitted your work it will be available as follows:

On-Campus Only Honors Theses are restricted to On-Campus Only Access, unless you selected Open Access. On-Campus Only makes the full text of your work accessible to the W&M Community (W&M Internet Protocol ranges) only, while the title, author, abstract, and other citation information is publicly viewable.

Open Access If you selected Open Access; the full text of your work is freely available online and findable by Google, Google Scholar, and other search engines.

Embargo If you selected an embargo; the full text of your work is restricted to everyone, including On-Campus, for the term length you chose.

The Charles Center provides further details on submission of your thesis.