Honors Theses from 2024
Where the Thunder Dragon Lives: The Case of Human Capital Flight in Bhutan, Grace Subu
Defining Greekness: The Effect of Ethnic Identity on Foreign Policy Opinions, Iliana Tzafolias
Honors Theses from 2023
Rethinking ‘Feminicide’: The Role of Organized Crime Groups in Increased Rates of Feminicide in Mexico, Giselle Figueroa
Threads of Continuity: Investigating the Historical Context of the China Challenge and Its Implications for Current US Grand Strategy, Bennett Hawley
Terror Management Theory in International Relations: Vladimir Putin and Slobodan Milosevic, Poojitha Tanjore
Stranded At Home: How the Absence of Men in Norwegian Whaling Communities Fostered Women's Civic Engagement, Katrine Roderburg Westgaard
Honors Theses from 2022
Psychological Peacebuilding: When the Time is Ripe for an Election, Kaiming Chen
Showing Off and Going Out: China’s Vanity Project Phenomenon, Caroline Morin
Honors Theses from 2021
Like, Share, and Fight? The Role of Social Media and Cybernationalism in Exacerbating Tensions Between South Korea and Japan, Christina Durham
The Remittance Behavior of High-skill Migrants: Evidence from Albania, Gillous Harris
The New Idealism in International Relations: Hegelian Theory of the International System, John Kainer
Behind Every Successful Diplomat is Their Spouse: The Buffer Role of Indian and Pakistani Diplomatic Spouses, Sania Shahid
Honors Theses from 2020
Sleeping with the Television On: How Popular Culture Content Implicitly Informs Political Reality, Grace Amato
Trade Talks and Populist Thoughts: The Rise in Populist Rhetoric Following China's Accession to the World Trade Organization, Samuel Desmarais
All the News Fit to Print: Egyptian and Tunisian Media Development and Political Toleration through Arab Spring, Seth Fiderer
Moroccan Identity in the 1980s: The Theory and Policy Implications of Studying Moroccan Identity, Heather Rodenberg
Autocratic Liberalization and Gendered Speech: Evidence from the Parliament of Singapore, Elizabeth Rosen
Flipping the Kill-Switch: Why Governments Shut Down the Internet, Elizabeth Sutterlin
Honors Theses from 2019
Impact of China's One Belt One Road Initiative at Different Geographical Scales, Yuxiang Hou
A Comparative Analysis of Media and Legislative Rhetoric on Gun Control, Samyuktha Mahadevan
Proliferation & Instability: How Nuclear Weapons Acquisition Alters Inter-state Relations, Tyler Sagerstrom
Engagement from Afar: How the Role of the Diaspora Makes or Breaks National Secession Campaigns, Lincoln Zaleski
Honors Theses from 2018
Islamic Rhetoric in Pakistan: A Comparison at the National and Sub-national Levels, Ava Chafin
The Role of the Air Force in the Conduct of the Coup d’Etat, Graeme Cranston-Cuebas
Setting and Success in Resistance Campaigns, Eric Gelles
Maritime Governance: How State Capacity Impacts Piracy and Sea Lane Security, Yuito Ishikawa
Popular Motherist Activism in Argentina: Why do Mothers Radicalize?, Emily B. Jackson
Honors Theses from 2017
The Role of EU and NATO Conditionality on Developing Democracies: A Georgian Case Study, Carolyn A. De Roster
Things Fall Apart: The Role of Small Arms Acquisition in Insurgent Fragmentation, Matthew K. Ribar
Honors Theses from 2016
Declaring War or Sentencing Criminals? Assessing Short-Term and Long-Term Counterterrorism Success, Arielle Lehner Galston
Do Birds of a Feather Really Flock Together? Ideational Homophily and Development Policy Influence, Kristin Ritchey
Honors Theses from 2015
Gentle Warlords: The Potential for Violent Non-State Actors to Provide Stability, Tyler Bembenek
A Rival to the West? Comparing the Effects of Chinese and World Bank Health Aid on Health Outcomes in Sub-Saharan Africa, Isabel Jane DoCampo
Life That Thrives In Hostility: Mexico's Indigenous Communities and Self-Defense Forces, Kassia M. Halcli
Frederick's Chessboard: Domestic Institutions and the Origins of the Seven Years' War, Caitlin Hartnett
Understanding Secession: An Analysis of the 2012-2014 Debates on Independence in Scotland and Catalonia, Lucas A. Leblanc
Honors Theses from 2014
Ratification and Reliability: The Strategic Logic of Formal Treaties, Benjamin L. Kenzer
Good Neighbors: Trade, Culture, and Institutions in the Resolution of Territorial Disputes, Dylan R. Kolhoff
The Relationship between Access to Healthcare and Civil Conflict, Jeffrey T. Rohde
Honors Theses from 2013
The History Question in Sino-Japanese Relations, Wenfan Chen
Justice and a Lack Thereof: Comparative Perspectives on Accountability in the Southern Cone, Elsa M. Voytas
Honors Theses from 2012
Government Performance, Identity, and Support for Further Devolution in Europe, Nicholas Jacob Bell
The Nuclear Taboo Paradox: Destabilizing Consequences of the Norm, Andrew Bryan Bessler
Latin America during the Cold War: The Role of U.S. Soft Power, Kate Elizabeth Hagey Clough
Visions of the Good: International Politics and the Struggle for Justice, John F. Kirn III
Honors Theses from 2010
The Comparative Effect of Minority Vetoes on Shared Governance in Post-Conflict Consociational Societies: Case Studies of Bosnia-Herzegovina and Lebanon, Dina Abdel-Fattah
Why Do the Strong Quit?: Causes of Counterinsurgent Withdrawal During Overseas Insurgencies, Brian P. Doyle
Olympians, Richard Pell Jordan
Honors Theses from 2009
Education and Islamic Radicalization in the Arabian Peninsula, Rachel Walsh
Honors Theses from 2008
Exploring Informality: An Empirical Analysis of the Informal Economy, Sadie Gardner
Institutions and Economics: The Effectiveness of Reconstruction Efforts in Bosnia, Ashley Kramer
Confronting Jihad: Past Experience and Counterterrorism Since September 11, Michael Woolslayer