Kinesiology and Health Sciences Faculty Work | Kinesiology and Health Sciences | William & Mary


Submissions from 2023


Chinese health funding in Africa: The untold story, Carrie B. Dolan, Ammar A. Malik, Sheng Zhang, Wenhui Mao, and et al.


Chinese Health Funding in Africa: The Untold Story, Carrie B. Dolan, Ammar A. Malik, Sheng Zhang, (...), Eli Svoboda, and Julius Nyerere Odhiambo


Understanding the public health role, motivations, and perceptions of Community Health Workers deployed to Low-Income Housing in Richmond, Virginia, Iyabo Obasanjo, Alison Scott, Monica Griffin, Amma Agyemang-Duah, Charlie Westhoff, Stephanie Toney, and Patrice Shelton


China's Hidden Role in Malaria Control and Elimination in Africa, Julius Nyerere Odhiambo, Carrie B. Dolan, Ammar A. Malik, and Aaron Tavel


Spatial and spatio-temporal epidemiological approaches to inform COVID-19 surveillance and control: a systematic review of statistical and modelling methods in Africa, Julius Nyerere Odhiambo, Carrie B. Dolan, Lydia Troup, and Nathaly Perez Rojas

Submissions from 2022


Locational Error in the Estimation of Regional Discrete Choice Models Using Distance as a Regressor, Giuseppe Arbia, Paolo Berta, and Carrie B. Dolan


The Economic Efficiency of Aid Targeting, Ariel BenYishay, Matthew DiLorenzo, and Carrie B. Dolan


Spatial and spatio-temporal epidemiological approaches to inform COVID-19 surveillance and control: a review protocol, Julius Nyerere Odhiambo and Carrie B. Dolan

Submissions from 2021


Cost-effectiveness of Paediatric Surgery: An Economic Evaluation of World Paediatric Project Surgical Interventions in St. Vincent and the Grenadines (2002–2019), Carrie B. Dolan, Samuel A. Agyemang, Brian Clare, Charles Coleman, and et al.


The effectiveness of national-level containment and closure policies across income levels during the COVID-19 pandemic: an analysis of 113 countries, Morgan Pincombe, Victoria Reese, and Carrie B. Dolan


The Influence of Marginalization on Cultural Attitudes and Trash Disposal Practices in Esfuerzo de Paraíso of the Dominican Republic: A Qualitative Interview Study, Madison Sasman, Carrie B. Dolan, Daniel Villegas, Estelle Eyob, and Catherine Barrett

Submissions from 2020


Pulling the purse strings: Are there sectoral differences in political preferencing of Chinese aid to Africa?, Carrie B. Dolan and Kaci Kennedy McDade


Childhood health and the changing distribution of foreign aid: Evidence from Nigeria’s transition to lower-middle-income status, Carrie B. Dolan, McKinley Saunders, and Ariel BenYishay


Methods for estimating economic benefits of surgical interventions in low income and middle-income countries: a scoping review, Amy Hilla, Victoria Reese, Justice Nonvignon, and Carrie B. Dolan

Submissions from 2019


The impact of an insecticide treated bednet campaign on all-cause child mortality: A geospatial impact evaluation from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Carrie B. Dolan, Ariel BenYishay, Karen A. Grepin, and Jeffery C. Tanner


Assessing the Causal Impact of Chinese Aid on Vegetative Land Cover in Burundi and Rwanda Under Conditions of Spatial Imprecision, Robert Marty, Seth Goodman, Michael LeFew, Carrie B. Dolan, Ariel BenYishay, and Daniel Runfola


Assessing Patient Acceptance of Integrating Oral Care with Prenatal Care in a Safety Net Clinic, Iyabo Obasanjo and William Mann

Submissions from 2018


Health aid projects have both expanded and constrained the capacity of health facilities to deliver malaria services to under-five children in Malawi, Carrie B. Dolan


Associations between social support, psychological well-being, decision making, empowerment, infant and young child feeding, and nutritional status in Ugandan children ages 0 to 24months, Scott B. Ickes, Michael Wu, Maia P. Mandel, and Alison C. Roberts

Submissions from 2017


Taking the Health Aid Debate to the Sub-National Level: The Impact and Allocation of Foreign Health Aid in Malawi, Robert Marty, Carrie B. Dolan, Matthias Leu, and Daniel Runfola

Submissions from 2016


Gender-Specific Neuromuscular Adaptations to Unloading in Isolated Rat Soleus Muscles, Michael R. Deschenes, Colleen M. Leathrum, and Michael R. Deschenes


Neuromuscular junction degeneration in muscle wasting, Ruediger Rudolf, Ruediger Rudolf, Ruediger Rudolf, and Michael R. Deschenes


Experiences of Students in Recovery on a Rural College Campus: Social Identity and Stigma, Alison Scott, Ashton Anderson, Kristen Harper, and Moya L. Alfonso

Submissions from 2015


Effect of Resistance Training on Neuromuscular Junctions of Young and Aged Muscles Featuring Different Recruitment Patterns, Michael R. Deschenes, E. Grace Sherman, Mackenzie A. Roby, Emily K. Glass, M. Brennan Harris, and Michael R. Deschenes


High-Oleic Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Food Maintains Docosahexaenoic Acid Status in Severe Malnutrition, Ji-Cheng Hsieh, Indi Trehan, Christina Craig, and Scott Ickes


Impact of lipid-based nutrient supplementation (LNS) on children's diet adequacy in Western Uganda, Scott B. Ickes, Catherine A. Brahe, Linda S. Adair, Margaret E. Bentley, and Alice S. Ammerman


Maternal Literacy, Facility Birth, and Education Are Positively Associated with Better Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices and Nutritional Status among Ugandan Children, Scott B. Ickes, Taylor E. Hurst, and Valerie L. Flax


Building a Stronger System for Tracking Nutrition-Sensitive Spending: A Methodology and Estimate of Global Spending for Nutrition-Sensitive Foreign Aid, Scott B. Ickes, Scott B. Ickes, Rachel B. Trichler, and Bradley C. Parks


Amyloid beta peptide-induced inhibition of endothelial nitric oxide production involves oxidative stress-mediated constitutive eNOS/HSP90 interaction and disruption of agonist-mediated Akt activation, Folami Lamoke, Manuela Bartoli, Valeria Mazzone, and Michael Brennan Harris

Nigeria: Always on the Brink, Iyabo Obasanjo


Trunk and Lower Extremity Kinematics During Stair Descent in Women With or Without Patellofemoral Pain, Brandi G. Schwane, Benjamin M. Goerger, Shiho Goto, and Darin A. Padua


Lipid storage changes in human skeletal muscle during detraining, Rong Zhu, Chia-Hua Kuo, Caiyun Wen, and M. Brennan Harris

Submissions from 2014


World Health Organization infant and young child feeding indicators and their associations with child anthropometry: a synthesis of recent findings, Andrew D. Jones, Laura E. Smith, Amanda A. Zongrone, and Scott B. Ickes


Voluntary wheel running augments aortic L-arginine transport and endothelial function in rats with chronic kidney disease, Christopher R. Martens, James M. Kuczmarski, Jahyun Kim, and M. Brennan Harris


Degeneration of neuromuscular junction in age and dystrophy, Ruediger Rudolf, Muzamil Majid Khan, Ruediger Rudolf, and Michael R. Deschenes

Submissions from 2013


Presynaptic to postsynaptic relationships of the neuromuscular junction are held constant across age and muscle fiber type, Michael R. Deschenes, Taylor E. Hurst, E. Grace Sherman, and Amy E. Ramser

Translational toxicology: a developmental focus for integrated research strategies, Claude Hughes, Michael Waters, David Allen, and Iyabo Obasanjo


Alpha(1)-adrenergic-mediated eNOS phosphorylation in intact arteries, Robin C. Looft-Wilson, Sarah E. Todd, Christina A. Araj, Stephanie M. Mutchler, and Cara A. Raphael Goodell

Curing Africa’s Big-Man Syndrome: Individual versus Population Approach?, Iyabo Obasanjo


Obesity in sub-Saharan Africa: development of an ecological theoretical framework, Alison Scott, Chinwe Stella Ejikeme, Emmanuel Nii Clottey, and Joy Goens Thomas

Submissions from 2012


Interaction between nitric oxide signaling and gap junctions: Effects on vascular function, M. Billaud, S. R. Johnstone, A. C. Straub, and R. C. Looft-Wilson


Factors Relating to Gender Specificity of Unloading-Induced Declines in Strength, Michael R. Deschenes, Raymond W. Mccoy, and Katherine A. Mangis


The effects of pre-habilitative conditioning on unloading-induced adaptations in young and aged neuromuscular systems, Michael R. Deschenes, E. Grace Sherman, and Emily K. Glass

Submissions from 2011


Compartmentalized Connexin 43 S-Nitrosylation/Denitrosylation Regulates Heterocellular Communication in the Vessel Wall, Brant E. Isakson, Adam C. Straub, Marie Billaud, and Robin Looft-Wilson

Submissions from 2010


Remodeling of the neuromuscular junction precedes sarcopenia related alterations in myofibers, Michael R. Deschenes, Mackenzie A. Roby, Margaret K. Eason, and M. Brennan Harris


Acute Exercise Is Associated With Greater Nighttime Blood Pressure Dipping In Women Classified As Non-dippers, Kimberly P. Ferrante, David G. Wilson, Danielle D. Jones, and Erica M. Jackson


Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 Regulates Myoendothelial Junction Formation, Katherine R. Heberlein, Adam C. Straub, Angela K. Best, and Robin C. Looft-Wilson

Submissions from 2009


Noninvasive Monitoring of Elevated Intramuscular Pressure in a Model Compartment Syndrome via Quantitative Fascial Motion, John E. Lynch, John K. Lynch, Steven L. Cole, Jonathan A. Carter, and Alan R. Hargens


Increasing Physical Activity Among African-American Women and Girls, Melicia C. Whitt-Glover, Dorine J. Brand, Maren E. Turner, and Erica M. Jackson

Submissions from 2007


The phosphorylation state of eNOS modulates vascular reactivity and outcome of cerebral ischemia in vivo, Dmitriy A. Atochin, Annie Wang, Victor W.T. Liu, and Robin C. Looft-Wilson

Submissions from 2004

Findings on the Use of Ante-Natal Facilities in Ogun State, M. T. Olowonyo, Ma Adenkabi, and Iyabo Obasanjo