Document Type



Virginia Institute of Marine Science

Publication Date



Special Reports in Applied Marine Science and Ocean Engineering (SRAMSOE) No. 190 V. 2


This report is a product the Virginia Coastal Resources Management (CRM) Program. Along with other coastal states, Virginia is preparing a mangement program for coastal land water resources and uses under grants from the Office of Coastal Zone Management (OCZM), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, of the U.S. Department of Commerce. The Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended in 1976, enumerates the elements which coastal states and their political subdivisions must include in their program. This report commences the response of the Comm~nwealth of Virginia to the national concern expressed in Sec. 305(B) (8) of the Act, that is, that states should develop a process for planning the location of energy facilities and for managing their effects on coastal resources. This report is a planning effort aimed at anticipating and planning for the implications of oil and gas drilling on the Atlantic Continental Shelf. Specifically, it is designed to provide technical information on pipeline siting and construction requirements as well as on the potential environmental impacts associated with pipelines. It is intended to assist state and local officials in making decisions about pipelines coming ashore in Virginia-whether to allow or not allow pipelines and, if they are to be allowed, to determine the coastal areas which would be most suitable as landfall sites. The report does not intent to promote or discourage pipelines but rather to identify and discuss the range of potential problems and opportunities associated with pipeline activities. In addition, this is a technical planning document and it does not attempt to establish policy for the Commonwealth of Virginia with respect to pipelines or any other OCS activity. Every effort has been made to use the most current and accurate resources available and to be objective as possible in presenting the facts and conclusions of this report.



Pipeline, Ocean, Offshore, Virginia

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