Document Type



Virginia Institute of Marine Science

Publication Date



Special Report in Applied Marine Science and Ocean Engineering (SRAMSOE) No. 435


Shoreline Situation Reports (SSR) were first generated by VIMS in the 1970's to report the condition and status of the shore lands. The SSR series were published in hardcopy on a county by county basis for each of the Tidewater Virginia localities. The reports were intended to assist planners, managers, and regulators in decisions pertaining to management of coastal areas and natural resources therein. This is the first Shoreline Inventory Report for the Rehoboth Bay section of Delaware. Data collected describes conditions in the immediate riparian zone, the bank, and along the shore. There are three shapefiles that are part of the 2012 Rehoboth Bay, Delaware Shoreline Inventory database: Rehoboth_lubc, Rehoboth_sstru, and Rehoboth_astru. Rehoboth_lubc (land use and bank cover for Rehoboth Bay) is a linear shapefile containing data about land use, tree fringe, canopy overhang, bank height, bank cover, erosion, presence of Phragmites australis, marsh and beach status along the shoreline. Rehoboth_sstru (Rehoboth Bay shoreline structures) is a linear shapefile delineating hard structures in place at the shoreline (bulkhead, dilapidated bulkhead, riprap, wharf, unconventional, debris, marina < 50 slips, marina > 50 slips, jetty, marsh toe revetment, groinfield and breakwaters). Rehoboth_astru (Rehoboth Bay access structures) is a point shapefile with locations of docks, dilapidated docks, boathouses, and private and public boat ramps.

Access report from the download tab.


Data collection is performed in the field from a small, shoal draft vessel, navigating at slow speeds parallel to the shoreline. To the extent possible, surveys take place on a rising tide, allowing the boat to be as close to shore as possible. The field crew consists of a boat operator, and one data recorder operating the video camera. The boat operator navigates the boat to follow the shoreline geometry.

Data were logged using a Red Hen® video system. This system interfaces a standard video camera (e.g. Sony ACC-HDV7) with an external GPS and uses specialized hardware (VMS300) to convert the GPS data into an audio signal which is transmitted to the video through the microphone input connector on the camera. As the video is recorded, GPS data are transmitted once per second to the video camera. Each GPS location is linked with a time code on the video. Therefore, the survey is a set of geographically referenced videos of the shoreline referenced to the position of the boat as it moves alongshore.

This shoreline inventory is developed as a tool for assessing conditions along primary shoreline in three watersheds that discharge into Delaware Bay. Field data were collected between September 11-13, 2007. Conditions are reported for three zones within the immediate riparian river area: riparian land use, bank and buffers, and the shoreline. A series of maps, tabular data, and GIS files are posted to a website and available electronically to serve as a resource to all managers and planners within the three watersheds. The survey provides a baseline to which future conditions can be compared and tracked through time.

Files | Description

  • Rehoboth_sstru: GIS Data – information pertaining to structures for shoreline defense
  • Rehoboth_astru: GIS Data – structures that are typically built for access and recreational activities at the shore
  • Rehoboth_lubc: GIS Data -features related to land use in the riparian zone, and conditions at the bank
  • RehobothMetadata/rehoboth_astru_metadata: Metadata
  • RehobothMetadata/rehoboth_sstru_metadata: Metadata
  • RehobothMetadata/rehoboth_lubc_metadata: Metadata



Shoreline Evolution, Shore Erosion, Shoreline Management

Publication Statement

Disclaimer for Digital Shoreline Situation Report (SSR) Coverages

The Center for Coastal Resources Management (CCRM) provides these data with the understanding that it is not guaranteed to be correct or complete, and conclusions drawn from the data set are the sole responsibility of the user. Every attempt has been made to ensure that these data and the documentation are reliable and accurate. Neither CCRM, the Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS), nor the disclosed funding agencies will assume liability for any damages caused by inaccuracies in the data or documentation, or as a result of failure of the data to perform in a particular manner. CCRM, VIMS, and disclosed collaborative agency make no warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy, completeness, or utility of this information, nor does the fact of distribution constitute a warranty. Individuals who download these data agree to the following, and understand the limitations defined: Integration of these data into other products requires proper citation.

Use of these data in map publications, either digital or hardcopy, requires proper citation.

  • CCRM is not responsible for misuse of these data.
  • CCRM does not oversee or assume responsibility for alterations to this product by users.
  • CCRM may not address specific questions from users who received the data through another party.
  • Distribution of these data is not restricted. CCRM, however, recommends metadatafile(s) always remain with the data.
  • CCRM encourages noticeable errors be reported to CCRM contact person identified in the metadata file


This shoreline Inventory project was funded in partnership between DNREC’s Wetland Monitoring and Assessment Program and the Delaware Center for the Inland Bays (CIB). (986 kB)
GIS shapefiles (16 kB)
Metadata files



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