Review of boat wake wave impacts on shoreline erosion and potential solutions for the Chesapeake Bay
Document Type
Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Publication Date
Recreation, Human Impacts, Policy, Virginia, Chesapeake Bay
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Publication Statement
The enclosed material represents the professional recommendations and expert opinion of individuals undertaking a workshop, review, forum, conference, or other activity on a topic or theme that STAC considered an important issue to the goals of the CBP. The content therefore reflects the views of the experts convened through the STAC-sponsored or co-sponsored activity.
Recommended Citation
Bilkovic, D., M. Mitchell, J. Davis, E. Andrews, A. King, P. Mason, J. Herman, N. Tahvildari, J. Davis. 2017. Review of boat wake wave impacts on shoreline erosion and potential solutions for the Chesapeake Bay. STAC Publication Number 17-002, Edgewater, MD. 68 pp