Document Type



Virginia Institute of Marine Science

Publication Date



Special scientific report; no. 89.


Ichthyoplankton sampling gear is reviewed and evaluated with emphasis on power plant impact assessment. Effects of biotic and abiotic factors on gear accuracy are discussed. Difficulties associated with obtaining representative samples from patchy population distributions are acknowledged. A listing of commonly used sampling gear has been compiled and indexed by ecosystem. Meter nets and variations of meter nets are the most widely used gear for sampling fish eggs and larvae. Comparative gear evaluation has been performed based on information compiled in the report. Although the diversity of habitats and the great number of relatively important species makes summarization difficult, the following comparisons are made. Meter nets sample greater length interval s and greater numbers of fish larvae per unit volume than half meter nets. Bridleless Bongo nets are more efficient in sampling larger larvae than meter nets . High volume pumps sample fewer or equal numbers of fish eggs than half meter and meter nets, but may provide better estimates of larger larvae. A check list highlighting important factors to consider when selecting gear is provided. Features to be optimized in gear design and deployment are summarized.


FWS/OB S- 78/ 83



Fishes -- Eggs; Fishes -- Larvae; Fishes -- Sampling


U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Contract No. 14-16-0008-2 118



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