Document Type



Virginia Institute of Marine Science

Publication Date



Special scientific report; No. 103.


The bibliography of the Virginian Sea is a compendium of literature and environmental data concerning the Middle Atlantic Bight region of the Western North Atlantic - or the United States east coast. The geographical coverage of this bibliography ineludes that region extending from 41° N latitude to 36° N latitude and out 200 miles from the coastal headlands. This volume represents the first step of an effort undertaken by the Virginia Institute of Marine Science to assess the present status of knowledge concerning the physical and chemical environment, biology, and fisheries of the Virginian Sea. We do not put forth this work as a complete bibliography of the Virginian Sea. No bibliographic effort of this scope can attain one-hundred percent coverage. Certainly, however, this bibliography is quite representative of the scientific research that has been done in the Middle Atlantic Bight. Later editions will broaden the bibliographic coverage of this work, correcting omissions as they are noted and making necessary additions.

We hope that this bibliography will be useful to government, science, and the private sector; and welcome suggestions and, criticisms which would lead to its improvement.



Aquatic biology; Marine sciences; Aquaculture; Wildlife utilization; Fishery sciences; Fishes; Earth sciences; Marine sciences



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