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Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Publication Date
Vessel and personnel support was provided for a series of cruises to three salinity regimes along the York River. Data and samples from a standard suite of hydrographic and sedimentological measurements, as well as electrical resistivity and magnetic susceptibility, were collected and analyzed for each location. These cruises provided opportunities to obtain information that is being used to quantify the unique marine contributions to the early time TEM noise, including conductivity variations in the water and variability in bottom sediment properties in real marine environments, for use in the parallel modeling and electromagnetic-induction sensor work ongoing in the same project. Data collected during Year 1 of this project were used to select the appropriate locations to provide a range of conductivity and sediment conditions.
The objective of this component of SERDP Project MR-2409 was to conduct field measurements to aid in the determination of the electromagnetic induction (EMI) response to the water column and underlying sediments in the York River estuary, which includes water column and sediment properties similar to many underwater environments of interest to unexploded ordinance detection.
Acoustic backscatter; conductivity temperature and depth sensor; CTD; Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler; ADCP; TSS; Total Suspended Solids; Sediment Grain Size; Sediment GUST erodibility; Sediment Magnetic Susceptibility; Sediment Resistivity; Sediment Water Content; and Sediment X-RAY
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Subcontract of SERDP Project MR-2409 via Purchase Order B1345 under Nova Research, Inc. Prime Contract Number N00173-14-D-2001
Recommended Citation
Massey, G. M., & Friedrichs, C. T. (2017) Resistivity, Magnetic Susceptibility and Sediment Characterization of the York River Estuary in Support of the Empirical Investigation of the Factors Influencing Marine Applications of EMI (Year 2 of SERDP Project MR-2409) Final Report.. Virginia Institute of Marine Science, William & Mary.
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Fresh Water Studies Commons, Hydrology Commons, Oceanography Commons, Sedimentology Commons