"Age structure and growth rate in the sea scallop Placopecten magellani" by Roger Mann and David Rudders


Assisting project personnel: M. Chase Long, Sally Roman, Melissa Southworth, Theresa Redmond, Sarit Truskey, Sara Thomas

Document Type



Virginia Institute of Marine Science

VIMS Department/Program

Marine Advisory Services (MAS)

Publication Date



Marine Resource Report No. 2019-05.


The overall project objective is to describe age structure and growth of scallops from the Georges Bank and Mid-Atlantic regions. There are three component objectives; (1) age structure and growth during the 1977- 1999 period using archived material stored at NEFSC Woods Hole; (2) age structure and growth of scallops collected over the latitudinal and bathymetric range of the US commercial fishery in 2012 and 2013 (material archived at VIMS from RSA studies); and (3) age structure and growth of scallops collected in 2017 assessment surveys by co-PI Rudders.




Georges Bank, scallop fisheries


Project Award Number: NA16NMF4540039 | Award period: 03/01/2016 - 02/28/2019

Scallop Aging Dataset Information.docx (12 kB)
Scallop Ageing Data Information

VIMS Archive 2012 Data-MRR2019-05.xlsx (62 kB)
VIMS Archive Data

NOAA Archive Data-MRR2019-05.xlsx (36 kB)
NOAA Archive Data

Isotope Data Tables-MRR2019-05.xlsx (28 kB)
Isotope Data Tables



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