"Surface water nitrogen attenuation from the Accomack County, VA southe" by Richard A. Snyder and Paige G. Ross

Document Type



Virginia Institute of Marine Science

Publication Date



VIMS Eastern Shore Laboratory Technical Report No. 5


Previous sampling of the stream crossing Bobtown Road (Rt 178) near the intersection of Hollies Church Road (Rt. 620), had indicated high levels of nitrogen in the stream flow (Snyder and Ross, 2019a). The proximity of the retired Accomack County Landfill upstream of the site triggered a higher resolution sampling of the stream in an attempt to isolate a source of the nitrogen loading (Snyder and Ross, 2019b). Accomack County has requested repeated sampling of this stream segment to monitor nutrient attenuation trends from the site, and stations were established for that purpose. This is the first report of that sampling plan for samples taken 10 Dec 2019.


doi: 10.25773/7xqy-3n14


Water quality



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